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All (2,937)

All (2,937) (0 to 10 of 2,937 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11-633-X2025001
    Description: Statistics Canada routinely collects information on functional health and related concepts. Recently, the Washington Group (WG) measure of disability was introduced to the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). The WG measure is used as a tool for developing internationally comparable data on disability. In alternate cycles of the CCHS, it replaces the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3), a generic preference-based measure of health-related quality of life, used to derive evaluative health measures common in population health and economic evaluations. To address resulting data gaps, this study provides an overview of the mapping process whereby the utility scores of the HUI3 were estimated from the WG disability measure. This detailed overview of instrument mapping includes qualitative approaches in addition to mapping through statistical estimation.
    Release date: 2025-02-03

  • Table: 13-10-0111-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual

    Number and rate of new cancer cases diagnosed annually from 1992 to the most recent diagnosis year available. Included are all invasive cancers and in situ bladder cancer with cases defined using the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Groups for Primary Site based on the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition (ICD-O-3). Random rounding of case counts to the nearest multiple of 5 is used to prevent inappropriate disclosure of health-related information.

    Release date: 2025-01-31

  • Table: 13-10-0747-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual

    The number of new cases, age-standardized rates and average age at diagnosis of cancers diagnosed annually from 1992 to the most recent diagnosis year available. Included are all invasive cancers and in situ bladder cancer with cases defined using the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Groups for Primary Site based on the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition (ICD-O-3). Cancer incidence rates are age-standardized using the direct method and the final 2011 Canadian postcensal population structure. Random rounding of case counts to the nearest multiple of 5 is used to prevent inappropriate disclosure of health-related information.

    Release date: 2025-01-31

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X202500200001
    Description: This study uses the Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation (CIMD) and Census neighbourhood-level income data to examine the issues of flood exposure and socioeconomic disparities at a neighbourhood level. More specifically, this study seeks to further explore the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of areas that have been impacted by flooding over the past four years, as well as whether or not these flooded areas have experienced changes in levels of socio-economic deprivation between 2016 and 2021.
    Release date: 2025-01-29

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X202500200003
    Description: Using smaller-level geographic classifications and well-being data from various waves of the Canadian Social Survey, this study aims to develop a more meaningful classification system beyond the traditional ‘urban-rural’ split which is often applied to Canadian geography. More specifically, this study takes a more nuanced look at the traditional urban-rural split by disaggregating at lower levels of geography in order to better understand geographical differences for select Quality of Life indicators, namely life satisfaction and sense of belonging to local community.
    Release date: 2025-01-29

  • Stats in brief: 45-20-00032025001
    Description: It might not surprise you that your relationships with friends and family affect your well-being. Same with your health and your job. But what about the place that you live? Whether you live in the downtown core of a major city or a commuter town or a rural community, what impact does this have on your life satisfaction, loneliness and sense of belonging? StatCan’s Lauren Pinault joins us today at the mic to explore how the places we live affect our well-being.
    Release date: 2025-01-29

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2025015
    Description: This infographic uses data from the 2016 and 2021 Census of Population to examine the geographic distribution of oral health professionals in Canada.
    Release date: 2025-01-29

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2025003
    Description: This interactive map brings together data from 13 waves of the Canadian Social Survey to visualize six quality of life indicators at four levels of geography: province, census division, census subdivision, and census metropolitan area.
    Release date: 2025-01-28

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202502738849
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2025-01-27

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-654-X
    Description: The Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) is a national survey of Canadians aged 15 and over whose everyday activities are limited because of a long-term condition or health-related problem.
    Release date: 2025-01-27
Data (1,096)

Data (1,096) (0 to 10 of 1,096 results)

  • Table: 13-10-0111-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual

    Number and rate of new cancer cases diagnosed annually from 1992 to the most recent diagnosis year available. Included are all invasive cancers and in situ bladder cancer with cases defined using the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Groups for Primary Site based on the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition (ICD-O-3). Random rounding of case counts to the nearest multiple of 5 is used to prevent inappropriate disclosure of health-related information.

    Release date: 2025-01-31

  • Table: 13-10-0747-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual

    The number of new cases, age-standardized rates and average age at diagnosis of cancers diagnosed annually from 1992 to the most recent diagnosis year available. Included are all invasive cancers and in situ bladder cancer with cases defined using the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Groups for Primary Site based on the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition (ICD-O-3). Cancer incidence rates are age-standardized using the direct method and the final 2011 Canadian postcensal population structure. Random rounding of case counts to the nearest multiple of 5 is used to prevent inappropriate disclosure of health-related information.

    Release date: 2025-01-31

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2025003
    Description: This interactive map brings together data from 13 waves of the Canadian Social Survey to visualize six quality of life indicators at four levels of geography: province, census division, census subdivision, and census metropolitan area.
    Release date: 2025-01-28

  • Table: 18-10-0004-08
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census subdivision, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: Monthly indexes and percentage changes for selected sub-groups of the health and personal care component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), not seasonally adjusted, for Canada, provinces, Whitehorse and Yellowknife. Data are presented for the corresponding month of the previous year, the previous month and the current month. The base year for the index is 2002=100.
    Release date: 2025-01-21

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024004
    Description: This dashboard presents data that are relevant for monitoring mortality in Canada. The interactive visualization within the dashboard features insights on weekly death trends from the Canadian Vital Statistics - Death (CVSD) database.
    Release date: 2025-01-09

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024028
    Description: This dashboard allows users to examine the latest data for selected oral health indicators in Canada: visits to an oral health professional, dental insurance coverage, oral health characteristics (self-reported), oral health characteristics (measured), oral health care risk factors.
    Release date: 2025-01-09

  • Table: 13-10-0768-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Weekly
    Description: This table provides Canadians and researchers with provisional data to monitor weekly death trends by age and sex in Canada. Given the delays in receiving the data from the provincial and territorial vital statistics offices, these data are considered provisional. Data in this table will be available by province and territory.
    Release date: 2025-01-09

  • Table: 13-10-0783-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Weekly

    This table provides Canadians and researchers with provisional data to monitor weekly death trends in Canada. Given the delays in receiving the data from the provincial and territorial vital statistics offices, these data are considered provisional. Data in this table will be available by province and territory.

    Release date: 2025-01-09

  • Table: 13-10-0810-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Weekly

    This table provides Canadians and researchers with provisional data to monitor weekly death trends by selected grouped causes of death in Canada. Given the delays in receiving the data from the provincial and territorial vital statistics offices, these data are considered provisional. Data in this table will be available by province and territory.

    Release date: 2025-01-09

  • Table: 13-10-0879-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Weekly
    Description: The table displays weekly age standardized mortality rates for every province in Canada (excluding territories), by sex, since 2019. The standardization is done using the 2011 Canadian population.
    Release date: 2025-01-09
Analysis (1,703)

Analysis (1,703) (1,670 to 1,680 of 1,703 results)

  • Articles and reports: 91F0015M1996001
    Geography: Canada

    This paper describes the methodology for fertility projections used in the 1993-based population projections by age and sex for Canada, provinces and territories, 1993-2016. A new version of the parametric model known as the Pearsonian Type III curve was applied for projecting fertility age pattern. The Pearsonian Type III model is considered as an improvement over the Type I used in the past projections. This is because the Type III curve better portrays both the distribution of the age-specific fertility rates and the estimates of births. Since the 1993-based population projections are the first official projections to incorporate the net census undercoverage in the population base, it has been necessary to recalculate fertility rates based on the adjusted population estimates. This recalculation resulted in lowering the historical series of age-specific and total fertility rates, 1971-1993. The three sets of fertility assumptions and projections were developed with these adjusted annual fertility rates.

    It is hoped that this paper will provide valuable information about the technical and analytical aspects of the current fertility projection model. Discussions on the current and future levels and age pattern of fertility in Canada, provinces and territories are also presented in the paper.

    Release date: 1996-08-02

  • 1,672. Pregnancy outcomes Archived
    Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012821
    Geography: Canada

    Live births, induced abortions, and miscarriages/ stillbirths are usually examined seperately. This article comines the three outcomes to focus on pregnancy in Canada from 1974 to 1992.

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012822
    Geography: Canada

    This article traves trends in cesarean section and VBAC rates in Canada and the provinces from 1979 to 1993. The data are based on individual patient admission/separation records of general and allied hospitals, that are submitted to Statistics Canada.

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012823
    Geography: Canada

    Statistics Canada's 1991 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) was used to examine the prevalence and severity of disability and the degree of dependence in the Aboriginal population. Where possible, these results are compared with data for the total Canadian household population from the 1991 Health and Activity Limitation Survey (HALS).

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • 1,675. Tuberculosis, 1994 Archived
    Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012824
    Geography: Canada

    In 1994, a total of 2,074 people in Canada were diagnosed with tuberculosis, a rate of 7.1 cases per 100,000 population. The same year, tuberculosis and its late effects caused 150 deaths - just over one in every 1,400 deaths.

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012825
    Geography: Canada

    In 1991, the National Task Force on Health Information recommended that in order to assess the health of Canadians, the health information system should include an aggregate index of population health. This article presents such an index - Health-Ajusted Life Expectancy (HALE) - as one possibility in a range of indicators.

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • 1,677. A job to die for Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X19960022889
    Geography: Canada

    This paper looks at causes, counts and rates of work-related deaths by selected demographic and job characteristics. It also touches briefly on the financial cost of such fatalities.

    Release date: 1996-06-05

  • 1,678. Depression Archived
    Articles and reports: 82-003-X19950042816
    Geography: Canada

    According to the 1994-95 National Population Health Survey, close to 6% of Canadians aged 18 and over had experienced a major depressive episode in the previous 12 months. Univariate analysis shows that the prevalence of depression was higher among women than among men, but tended to decline at older ages for both sexes. The prevalence of depression was also related to a number of socioeconomic characteristics such as marital status, education, and household income, and to several measures of stress, psychological resources and social support. However, multivariate analysis shows that not all of these variables were significantly associated with the odds of experiencing depression. In some instances, factors that increased the risk differed for men and women. For both sexes, chronic strain, recent negative events, lack of closeness, and low self-esteem increased the odds of depression. Traumatic events in childhood or young adulthood and a low sense of mastery were associated with a higher risk of depression for women, but not men. For men, being single and having moderate self-esteem heightened the risk of depression. A substantial proportion of both men and women who had suffered depression reported using drugs. As well, a notable share of people who had been depressed sought professional health care for emotional or mental problems.

    Release date: 1996-04-02

  • 1,679. A healthy outlook Archived
    Articles and reports: 82-003-X19950042817
    Geography: Canada

    The sense of coherence a healthy outlook can be thought of as a mesure of positive health, that is, a factor promoting resilience which enables and individual to remain healthy. Based on National Population Health Survey (NPHS) data, three health measures were analyzed in relation to sense of coherence. The sense of coherence accounted for a substancial proportion of the total variance for two of the three measures. Theoretically, people with a healthy outlook are more able to cope successfully with trauma and stress. According to NPHS data, on average, those who reported at least one traumatic event had a lower sense of coherence than those who did not. For people who experienced trauma during childhood and young adulthood, yet had strong sense of coherence, the impact of that trauma on their health was diminished.

    Release date: 1996-04-02

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19950042818
    Geography: Canada

    The healthy immigrant effect observed in other countries also prevails in Canada. Immigrants, especially recent immigrants, are less likely than the Canadian-born population to have chronic conditions or disabilities. The effect is most evident among those from non-European countries, who constitute the majority of recent immigrants to Canada. This article compares the health status, health care utilization, and health-related behaviour of immigrants with the Canadian-born population, and is based on self-reported data from the 1994-95 National Population Health Survey. Health status is examined in terms of chronic conditions, disability and health-related dependency. The indicators of health care utilization are hospitalization, contact with physicians and dentists, unmet needs for health services. The health- related and behaviours analysed are smoking and leisure time physical activity.

    Release date: 1996-04-02
Reference (113)

Reference (113) (70 to 80 of 113 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5019
    Description: The Maternity Experiences Survey (MES) is the first Canadian survey devoted to pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum experiences. It is a core project of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System of the Public Health Agency of Canada who sponsored this survey.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5020
    Description: The Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health (JCUSH) will collect information from both Canadian and U.S. residents, about their health, their use of health care and their functional limitations.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5049
    Description: The Canadian Community Health Survey - Nutrition is a national health survey that collected information from Canadians about their eating habits and use of nutritional supplements, as well as other health factors.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5054
    Description: This survey collected new statistical information to measure the size and scope of the natural health product activities in Canada. National estimates of products manufactured, imported and sold in Canada were produced by product class, based on active ingredients used.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5063
    Description: The principal survey objective was to create a comprehensive national source of objective information about the prices faced by persons with disabilities, their families, and health and social service organizations.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5071
    Description: The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) aims to collect important health information through a household interview and direct physical measures at a mobile examination centre (MEC), sometimes referred to as a mobile clinic.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5080
    Description: The National Survey of the Work and Health of Nurses (NSWHN) focuses on the work and health of nurses in Canada.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5084
    Description: The purpose of this survey is to collect information about the mental health status and the need for mental health services in the Canadian Forces.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5101
    Description: The central objective of the British Columbia Smoking Survey (BCSS) was to gather information related to the smoking history, mobility history and risk propensity of British Columbia residents.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5113
    Description: The survey collects expenditure data on health research and development activities by therapeutic class in the Canadian business enterprise sector.

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