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All (2,901)

All (2,901) (40 to 50 of 2,901 results)

  • Articles and reports: 89-654-X2024002
    Description: Using data from the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD), this factsheet examines the experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ persons with disabilities. It provides information on various sociodemographic and disability characteristics, such as age, disability type, severity of disability, and employment. It also includes comparisons to the non-2SLGBTQ+ persons with disabilities population by age group.
    Release date: 2024-07-08

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-654-X
    Description: The Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) is a national survey of Canadians aged 15 and over whose everyday activities are limited because of a long-term condition or health-related problem.
    Release date: 2024-07-08

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202400600006
    Description: This study presents an updated sociodemographic profile of children aged 0 to 14 years with affirmative responses largely based on parent reports to the questions on the 2021 Census long-form questionnaire about difficulties with activities of daily living.
    Release date: 2024-06-26

  • Public use microdata: 82M0021X
    Description: The Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) for the Mental Health and Access to Care Survey (MHACS) provides information about the mental health status of Canadians, as well as their access to and need for services and supports, whether formal or informal. This product includes many safeguards to prevent the identification of any one person or household.

    The 2022 MHACS is a repeat of the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey on Mental Health (CCHS-Mental Health). In contrast to the 2002 and 2012 iterations of the CCHS-Mental Health, which were administered in-person, the 2022 MHACS was administered by computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Release date: 2024-06-26

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202400600001
    Description: Extreme heat has significant impacts on mortality. In Canada, past research has analyzed the degree to which non-accidental mortality increases during single extreme heat events; however, few studies have considered multiple causes of death and the impacts of extreme heat events on mortality over longer time periods. This study analyzes the impacts of extreme heat events on nonaccidental, cardiovascular, and respiratory deaths from 2000 to 2020 in 12 of the largest cities in Canada.
    Release date: 2024-06-19

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202400600002
    Description: Optimal oral health is an essential element of healthy aging. Oral health problems such as tooth loss, periodontal disease, and dry mouth accumulate throughout adult life and worsen with increasing age. Using data from the 2019/2020 Canadian Health Survey on Seniors, this study explores the link between dental insurance, income, and oral health care access among seniors (aged 65 and over) in Canada. It contributes to the understanding of oral health care among seniors before the implementation of the Canadian Dental Care Plan.
    Release date: 2024-06-19

  • Table: 17-10-0059-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Description: Components of natural increase, quarterly: births and deaths.
    Release date: 2024-06-19

  • Public use microdata: 13-25-0010
    Description: The public use microdata file (PUMF) from the Canadian Health Survey on Seniors (CHSS) provides data at the provincial level. Over the two-year period, data were collected from approximately 42,000 respondents aged 65 or older, residing in households in all provinces.

    The file includes information on a wide range of topics, including oral health, care receiving, community service use, access to health care services, vaccines, smoking, alcohol consumption, general health, chronic health conditions and provides information on the socio-demographic characteristics of the population.

    Note: The Canadian Health Survey on Seniors (CHSS) is a supplement to the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) - Annual component.
    Release date: 2024-06-14

  • Public use microdata: 82M0013X
    Description: The public use microdata file (PUMF) from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) provides data for health regions and combinations of health regions across Canada. Over the two year period, data are based on interviews with approximately 130,000 respondents aged 12 or older, residing in households in all provinces and territories.

    The files include information on a wide range of topics, including: physical activity, height and weight, smoking, exposure to second hand smoke, alcohol consumption, general health, chronic health conditions, injuries, and use of health care services. It also provides information on the socio-demographic, income and labour force characteristics of the population.

    Release date: 2024-06-14

  • Articles and reports: 71-222-X2024002
    Description: This article examines trends in rates of employment and unemployment, as well as hourly wages and work hours, for the year 2023, and explores how disability intersects with age, sex, educational attainment, and racialized groups to influence labour market outcomes.
    Release date: 2024-06-13
Data (1,092)

Data (1,092) (1,080 to 1,090 of 1,092 results)

  • Table: 13-10-0436-01
    Geography: Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Every 2 years
    Description: Body mass index (BMI), International standard, by age group and sex, household population aged 20 to 64 excluding pregnant women, territories.
    Release date: 2002-05-03

  • Public use microdata: 82M0009X

    The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) used the Labour Force Survey sampling frame to draw the initial sample of approximately 20,000 households starting in 1994 and for the sample top-up this third cycle. The survey is conducted every two years. The sample collection is distributed over four quarterly periods followed by a follow-up period and the whole process takes a year. In each household, some limited health information is collected from all household members and one person in each household is randomly selected for a more in-depth interview.

    The survey is designed to collect information on the health of the Canadian population and related socio-demographic information. The first cycle of data collection began in 1994, and continues every second year thereafter. The survey is designed to produce both cross-sectional and longitudinal estimates. The questionnaires includes content related to health status, use of health services, determinants of health, a health index, chronic conditions and activity restrictions. The use of health services is probed through visits to health care providers, both traditional and non-traditional, and the use of drugs and other mediciations. Health determinants include smoking, alcohol use and physical activity. A special focus content for this cycle includes family medical history with questions about certain chronic conditions among immediate family members and when they were acquired. As well, a section on self care has also been included this cycle. The socio-demographic information includes age, sex, education, ethnicity, household income and labour force status.

    Release date: 2000-12-19

  • Public use microdata: 82M0010X

    The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) program is designed to collect information related to the health of the Canadian population. The first cycle of data collection began in 1994. The institutional component includes long-term residents (expected to stay longer than six months) in health care facilities with four or more beds in Canada with the principal exclusion of the Yukon and the Northwest Teritories. The document has been produced to facilitate the manipulation of the 1996-1997 microdata file containing survey results. The main variables include: demography, health status, chronic conditions, restriction of activity, socio-demographic, and others.

    Release date: 2000-08-02

  • Public use microdata: 89M0007X

    Information in this microdata file refers to survey data collected in September - November, 1994 for persons 15 years of age and older in Canada's ten provinces. The survey's main data objectives were to measure the prevalence and patterns of alcohol and other drug use, to assess harm and other consequences of drug use and to evaluate trends in recent patterns of use. Canada's Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey (CADS) also updates and expands upon data collected in the first survey, the National Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey (NADS), conducted in 1989.

    Release date: 2000-07-07

  • Table: 84-214-X

    This compendium of vital statistics includes summary data on births, deaths, marriages and divorces. The introduction covers the data sources, data quality, and methods pertaining to each event, and includes a glossary defining the terms used. The first chapter is a brief overview of vital statistics for 1996. Subsequent chapters treat marriage, divorce, birth, fetal and infant mortality, total mortality, causes of death, vital statistics by census division, and international comparisons. Most charts and tables show Canada data for 1986 though 1996, while the charts and tables for causes of death show Canada data for 1979 through1996. Data for the provinces and territories are usually shown for 1995 and 1996. Appendices include population denominator data, age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) calculation methods, and leading causes of death methodology.

    Release date: 1999-11-25

  • Table: 11-516-X198300111299

    Statistics in the tables of Section B are in two divisions. Series Bl-81 contain data on vital statistics and series B82-543 on health. Data on social welfare, formerly contained in this section, are presented separately in Section C.

    Release date: 1999-07-29

  • Public use microdata: 12M0011X
    Geography: Province or territory

    Cycle 11 collected data from persons 15 years and older and concentrated on help given or received during temporary difficult times or out of necessity due to long-term health or physical limitations in daily activities either inside or outside the household. The target population of the General Social Survey consisted of all individuals aged 15 and over living in a private household in one of the ten provinces.

    Release date: 1998-08-28

  • Table: 82-567-X

    The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) is designed to enhance the understanding of the processes affecting health. The survey collects cross-sectional as well as longitudinal data. In 1994/95 the survey interviewed a panel of 17,276 individuals, then returned to interview them a second time in 1996/97. The response rate for these individuals was 96% in 1996/97. Data collection from the panel will continue for up to two decades. For cross-sectional purposes, data were collected for a total of 81,000 household residents in all provinces (except people on Indian reserves or on Canadian Forces bases) in 1996/97.

    This overview illustrates the variety of information available by presenting data on perceived health, chronic conditions, injuries, repetitive strains, depression, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, consultations with medical professionals, use of medications and use of alternative medicine.

    Release date: 1998-07-29

  • 1,089. Births and Deaths Archived
    Table: 84-210-X

    The statistical tables in the first part of this document relate to the numbers and rates of live births and stillbirths of at least twenty weeks gestation; total, general and age specific fertility rates; live births by age of mother and order of live birth; male and female birth weights by age of mother and gestation period at the time of birth; and live births by census division and counties in the province(s).

    In the second part of this document, the statistical tables, for Canada, the ten provinces and the two territories, relate to the numbers and rates of deaths by marital status, age and sex; infant, neonatal, postnatal and perinatal deaths; maternal deaths; and stillbirths of at least twenty weeks gestation at the time of birth.

    Release date: 1997-05-15

  • Table: 82F0008X

    The special ten year anniversary edition of Canadian cancer statistics 1997 represents a collaborative effort between Statistics Canada, the National Cancer Institute of Canada, Health Canada, the Canadian Cancer Society, and provincial/territorial cancer registries. This 71 page monograph contains estimates of cancer incidence and mortality for 1997, historical (actual and estimated) data from 1969 to 1997, and selected indicators on the burden of cancer. Estimates were produced by modelling actual cancer incidence and mortality data by province for selected cancer sites. The special topic this year is a comparison of the burden of cancer in Canada in 1997 to that reported in the first edition in 1987.

    Release date: 1997-03-06
Analysis (1,677)

Analysis (1,677) (1,640 to 1,650 of 1,677 results)

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960022827
    Geography: Canada

    Between 1977 and 1994, smoking rates declined among men and women, but the decline was steeper for men. While smoking rates fell among people at all levels of education, the smallest drop was among those with high school graduation or less, particularly women. For those who had stopped smoking, health concerns had been the overriding factor. Smokers with lower education reported encountering fewer smoking restrictions in their daily activities than did those with higher education. All smokers cited the mass media as their major source of information about smoking, but those with lower education reported the mass media less often than did smokers with higher levels of attainment, and were less likely to obtain information from books, pamphlets or magazines. In addition, smaller percentages of smokers with lower education recalled printed warnings about heart disease on cigarette packages. Variations in the decline of smoking suggest that health promotion and smoking cessation programs should consider sex and educational differences when targeting the smoking population. Differences in rates of smoking among people aged 20 and over were examined by educational attainment using selected health surveys conducted between 1977 and 1994. A Health Canada-sponsored supplement to Statistics Canada's National Population Health Survey was used for data on other aspects of smoking such as cutting back or attempting to quit, sources of health information, and awareness of smoking restrictions and cigarette package warnings.

    Release date: 1996-11-18

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960022828
    Geography: Province or territory

    Men constitute a small minority of registered nurses (RNs) in Canada, but their numbers have risen sharply in the last decade. In 1995, almost 4% of RNs were men, up from just over 2% in 1985. The proportion of male nurses is particularly high in Quebec, where the 1995 figure was 8%. Some areas of nursing are more likely than others to employ male nurses: psychiatry, critical care, emergency care, and administration. By contrast, relatively few male RNs have jobs in maternal/newborn care, pediatrics, or community care. Rising male enrollement in college and university nursing programs suggests that men's representation in nursing will continue to rise. The older age profile of male nurses may indicate that some men are choosing nursing as a second career. As well, a shift in the age distribution of male nurses would seem to suggest that those who enter the profession tend to stay. This analysis of the demographic and employment characteristics of male nurses is based on information compiled annually in the Registered Nurses Database maintained by Statistics Canada. Figures on enrolment and graduation in nursing are collected by Statistics Canada as part of annual surveys.

    Release date: 1996-11-18

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960022829
    Geography: Canada

    Breast cancer is the leading form of cancer diagnosed in Canadian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer), accounting for about 30% of all new cases. After age 30, incidence rates begin to rise, and the highest rates are among women aged 60 and over. Canadian incidence rates have increased slowly and steadily since 1969, rising most rapidly among women aged 50 and over. Canada's rates are among the highest of any country in the world, ranking second only to those in the United States. After decades of little change, breast cancer mortality rates for all ages combined have declined slightly since 1990. While not dramatic, this decline is statistically significant and is consistent with similar decreases in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia. Breast cancer survival rates are relatively more favourable than those of other forms of cancer. Survival rates are better for younger women and for women whose cancer was detected at an early stage. This article presents breast cancer data from the Canadian Cancer Registry, the National Cancer Incidence Reporting System, and vital statistics mortality data, all of which are maintained by the Health Statistics Division of Statistics Canada. These data are provided to Statistics Canada by the provincial and territorial cancer and vital statistics registrars.

    Release date: 1996-11-18

  • Articles and reports: 91F0015M1996001
    Geography: Canada

    This paper describes the methodology for fertility projections used in the 1993-based population projections by age and sex for Canada, provinces and territories, 1993-2016. A new version of the parametric model known as the Pearsonian Type III curve was applied for projecting fertility age pattern. The Pearsonian Type III model is considered as an improvement over the Type I used in the past projections. This is because the Type III curve better portrays both the distribution of the age-specific fertility rates and the estimates of births. Since the 1993-based population projections are the first official projections to incorporate the net census undercoverage in the population base, it has been necessary to recalculate fertility rates based on the adjusted population estimates. This recalculation resulted in lowering the historical series of age-specific and total fertility rates, 1971-1993. The three sets of fertility assumptions and projections were developed with these adjusted annual fertility rates.

    It is hoped that this paper will provide valuable information about the technical and analytical aspects of the current fertility projection model. Discussions on the current and future levels and age pattern of fertility in Canada, provinces and territories are also presented in the paper.

    Release date: 1996-08-02

  • 1,645. Pregnancy outcomes Archived
    Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012821
    Geography: Canada

    Live births, induced abortions, and miscarriages/ stillbirths are usually examined seperately. This article comines the three outcomes to focus on pregnancy in Canada from 1974 to 1992.

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012822
    Geography: Canada

    This article traves trends in cesarean section and VBAC rates in Canada and the provinces from 1979 to 1993. The data are based on individual patient admission/separation records of general and allied hospitals, that are submitted to Statistics Canada.

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012823
    Geography: Canada

    Statistics Canada's 1991 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) was used to examine the prevalence and severity of disability and the degree of dependence in the Aboriginal population. Where possible, these results are compared with data for the total Canadian household population from the 1991 Health and Activity Limitation Survey (HALS).

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • 1,648. Tuberculosis, 1994 Archived
    Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012824
    Geography: Canada

    In 1994, a total of 2,074 people in Canada were diagnosed with tuberculosis, a rate of 7.1 cases per 100,000 population. The same year, tuberculosis and its late effects caused 150 deaths - just over one in every 1,400 deaths.

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19960012825
    Geography: Canada

    In 1991, the National Task Force on Health Information recommended that in order to assess the health of Canadians, the health information system should include an aggregate index of population health. This article presents such an index - Health-Ajusted Life Expectancy (HALE) - as one possibility in a range of indicators.

    Release date: 1996-07-31

  • 1,650. A job to die for Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X19960022889
    Geography: Canada

    This paper looks at causes, counts and rates of work-related deaths by selected demographic and job characteristics. It also touches briefly on the financial cost of such fatalities.

    Release date: 1996-06-05
Reference (107)

Reference (107) (10 to 20 of 107 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-629-X2016001
    Description: Introductory video for the survey provided to respondents at the household and posted on the Canadian Health Measures Survey Respondent relations (Statcan) website.
    Release date: 2016-01-05

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-654-X2014001

    The Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) is a national survey of Canadians aged 15 and over whose everyday activities are limited because of a long-term condition or health-related problem.

    The 2012 CSD Concepts and Methods Guide is designed to assist data users by providing relevant information on survey content and concepts, sampling design, collection methods, data processing, data quality and product availability. Chapter 1 of this guide provides an overview of the 2012 CSD by introducing the survey's background and objectives. Chapter 2 explains the key concepts and definitions and introduces the indicators measured by the CSD questionnaire modules. Chapters 3 to 6 cover important aspects of survey methodology, from sampling design to data collection and processing. Chapters 7 and 8 cover issues of data quality, including the approaches used to minimize and correct errors throughout all stages of the survey. Users are cautioned against making comparisons with data from previous Participation and Activity Limitations Surveys. Chapter 9 outlines the survey products that are available to the public, including data tables, a fact sheet and reference material. Appendices provide more detail on survey indicators as well as a glossary of terms.

    Release date: 2014-02-05

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 82-619-M2012004
    Geography: Canada

    Mental illnesses largely involve alterations in mood, thinking, and behaviour, as well as other domains of mental functioning, and affect almost all Canadians in some way, either directly or indirectly. They routinely cause significant impairments in emotional functioning, which may lead to social or physical limitations. In some cases, such as in agoraphobia, individuals cannot even leave their homes due to intense anxiety; depression can cause an individual to lose all interest in life. This document describes the mental illnesses that have the greatest impact on Canadians in terms of prevalence or severity of disability, and how they affect the health status of Canadians.

    Release date: 2012-01-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 82-230-X

    This report presents the results of the 3rd Consensus Conference on Health Indicators that was convened in March 2009, including information that was presented at the conference, a summary of the consultation process leading up to the event, and the priority health areas deemed most important for future indicator development work.

    The conference marked the 10th anniversary of the Health Indicators project, a collaboration between Statistics Canada and Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). The goal of the project is to provide health regions, health care providers and the public in general with reliable and comparable data on the health of Canadians and to assist stakeholders and decision makers in the use and interpretation of the indicator data.

    Release date: 2009-12-21

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 82-622-X2008003

    Since 2007/2008, Statistics Canada has centred analysis of data holdings related to health as well as our program of dissemination of health research within the new Health Information and Research Division (HIRD).

    The new division has launched a comprehensive approach to analytical planning including environmental scanning and consultation; establishment of strategic multi-year priorities for health research at Statistics Canada; a process of project selection and review that ensures that analytical effort addresses our priorities; metrics to measure our adherence to priorities and the impact of our analytical effort; and communication and dissemination of analytical plans.

    This multi-year analytical plan identifies the key high-level priority areas for Statistics Canada's investment in health research for 2008/2009 to 2010/2011, and serves as a blueprint for subsequent operational research planning.

    Release date: 2009-01-30

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 82-582-X

    This special methodological paper will help readers understand and assess reports that rank the health status or health system performance of a country, province or jurisdiction. The report outlines the components and processes that underlie health rankings, explores why such rankings can be difficult to interpret and includes a plain-language checklist to use as a critical evaluative resource when reading health-ranking reports.

    Release date: 2008-09-16

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-631-X

    This report highlights the latest developments and rationale behind recent cycles of the General Social Survey (GSS). Starting with an overview of the GSS mandate and historic cycle topics, we then focus on two recent cycles related to families in Canada: Family Transitions (2006) and Family, Social Support and Retirement (2007). Finally, we give a summary of what is to come in the 2008 GSS on Social Networks, and describe a special project to mark 'Twenty Years of GSS'.

    The survey collects data over a twelve month period from the population living in private households in the 10 provinces. For all cycles except Cycles 16 and 21, the population aged 15 and older has been sampled. Cycles 16 and 21 sampled persons aged 45 and older.

    Cycle 20 (GSS 2006) is the fourth cycle of the GSS to collect data on families (the first three cycles on the family were in 1990, 1995 and 2001). Cycle 20 covers much the same content as previous cycles on families with some sections revised and expanded. The data enable analysts to measure conjugal and fertility history (chronology of marriages, common-law unions, and children), family origins, children's home leaving, fertility intentions, child custody as well as work history and other socioeconomic characteristics. Questions on financial support agreements or arrangements (for children and the ex-spouse or ex-partner) for separated and divorced families have been modified. Also, sections on social networks, well-being and housing characteristics have been added.

    Release date: 2008-05-27

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 82-225-X200701010508

    The Record Linkage Overview describes the process used in annual internal record linkage of the Canadian Cancer Registry. The steps include: preparation; pre-processing; record linkage; post-processing; analysis and resolution; resolution entry; and, resolution processing.

    Release date: 2008-01-18

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 82-225-X

    The compendium of Canadian Cancer Registry procedures manuals set out the rules for reporting cancer data to the CCR for all provincial and territorial cancer registries.

    Release date: 2008-01-18

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 82-225-X20070109648

    The Record Linkage Overview describes the process used in annual internal record linkage of the Canadian Cancer Registry. The steps include: preparation; pre-processing; record linkage; post-processing; analysis and resolution; resolution entry; and, resolution processing.

    Release date: 2007-06-21

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