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All (56) (10 to 20 of 56 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199400214427

    A generalized regression estimator for domains and an approximate estimator of its variance are derived under two-phase sampling for stratification with Poisson selection at each phase. The derivations represent an application of the general framework for regression estimation for two-phase sampling developed by Särndal and Swensson (1987) and Särndal, Swensson and Wretman (1992). The empirical efficiency of the generalized regression estimator is examined using data from Statistics Canada’s annual two-phase sample of tax records. Three particular cases of the generalized regression estimator - two regression estimators and a poststratified estimator - are compared to the Horvitz-Thompson estimator.

    Release date: 1994-12-15

  • Table: 75-001-X19940041561

    Data from the 1993 Violence Against Women Survey on the incidence and nature of work-related sexual harassment.

    Release date: 1994-12-14

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X19940041562
    Geography: Canada

    David Foot on the baby boom generation's influence on current and future forms of organizational structure in North America.

    Release date: 1994-12-14

  • 14. Baby boom women Archived
    Stats in brief: 75-001-X19940041563
    Geography: Canada

    A comparison of the employment characteristics of women born in the early years of the baby boom with those of women born in the later years.

    Release date: 1994-12-14

  • 15. Adults living solo Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X19940041564
    Geography: Canada

    A profile of adults aged 30 to 54 living alone, compared with other Canadians the same age.

    Release date: 1994-12-14

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X19940041575
    Geography: Canada

    An analysis of families in the top percentile of the income distribution, focusing on their sources of income.

    Release date: 1994-12-14

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X19940041582
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    An overview of the changing industrial structure in the census metropolitan areas of Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver since 1971.

    Release date: 1994-12-14

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1994068
    Geography: Canada

    This study attempts to compare the earnings of men and women on an equal footing by concentrating on recent postsecondary graduates and using survey data on a number of earnings-related characteristics. The data cover three graduating classes of university and community college students: 1982, 1986 and 1990. These data indicate that the gender earnings gap among graduates has narrowed in recent years. In fact among the most recent class, we found that female university graduates are rewarded slightly better than their male counterparts after controlling for experience, job tenure, education and hours of work. A small gender gap persists among community college graduates: about three-and-a-half percent on an hourly wage basis. For all graduates, the earnings gap tended to increase with age, even after controlling for previous work experience.

    Release date: 1994-11-17

  • Articles and reports: 91-209-X19940009313
    Geography: Canada
    Description: The sandwich generation, middle-aged people caught between growing children and aging parents, has attracted the attention of the media in recent years. The following text restricts itself to the demographic dimension of the sandwich generation, while at the same time not implying that dimension should be separated from the social and political issues underlying the phenomenon, of concern to individuals.
    Release date: 1994-11-16

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1994069
    Geography: Canada

    Employment equity legislation is becoming more prevalent in Canadian labour markets, yet -- other than broad availability numbers -- the labour market experiencesof designated groups have not been well documented. Using the National Graduates Survey of 1992, this report profiles the early labour market experiences ofvisible minorities, Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities who graduated from Canadian universities and community colleges in 1990. In general, we find thatthe earnings of designated group members are very similar to the earnings of their classmates. However, we also find that members of these groups are more likely tobe unemployed and are less likely to participate in the labour force than others in their class.

    Release date: 1994-11-16
Data (1)

Data (1) ((1 result))

  • Table: 75-001-X19940041561

    Data from the 1993 Violence Against Women Survey on the incidence and nature of work-related sexual harassment.

    Release date: 1994-12-14
Analysis (54)

Analysis (54) (30 to 40 of 54 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199400114430

    Rao and Nigam (1990, 1992) showed how a class of controlled sampling designs can be implemented using linear programming. In this article their approach is applied to multi-way stratification. A comparison is made with existing methods both by illustrating the sampling schemes generated for specific examples and by evaluating mean squared errors. The proposed approach is relatively simple to use and appears to have reasonable mean squared error properties. The computations required can, however, increase rapidly as the number of cells in the multi-way classification increase. Variance estimation is also considered.

    Release date: 1994-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199400114431

    The Random Group Method for sampling with probability proportional to size (PPS) is extended to sampling over two occasions. Information on a study variate observed on the first occasion is used to select the matched portion of the sample on the second occasion. Two real data sets are considered for numerical illustration and for comparison with other existing methods.

    Release date: 1994-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199400114432

    Two sampling strategies for estimation of population mean in overlapping clusters with known population size have been proposed by Singh (1988). In this paper, ratio estimators under these two strategies are studied assuming the actual population size to be unknown, which is the more realistic situation in sample surveys. The sampling efficiencies of the two strategies are compared and a numerical illustration is provided.

    Release date: 1994-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199400114433

    Imputation is a common technique employed by survey-taking organizations in order to address the problem of item nonresponse. While in most of the cases the resulting completed data sets provide good estimates of means and totals, the corresponding variances are often grossly underestimated. A number of methods to remedy this problem exists, but most of them depend on the sampling design and the imputation method. Recently, Rao (1992), and Rao and Shao (1992) have proposed a unified jackknife approach to variance estimation of imputed data sets. The present paper explores this technique empirically, using a real population of businesses, under a simple random sampling design and a uniform nonresponse mechanism. Extensions to stratified multistage sample designs are considered, and the performance of the proposed variance estimator under non-uniform response mechanisms is briefly investigated.

    Release date: 1994-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199400114434

    In estimation for small areas it is common to borrow strength from other small areas since the direct survey estimates often have large sampling variability. A class of methods called composite estimation addresses the problem by using a linear combination of direct and synthetic estimators. The synthetic component is based on a model which connects small area means cross-sectionally (over areas) and/or over time. A cross-sectional empirical best linear unbiased predictor (EBLUP) is a composite estimator based on a linear regression model with small area effects. In this paper we consider three models to generalize the cross-sectional EBLUP to use data from more than one time point. In the first model, regression parameters are random and serially dependent but the small area effects are assumed to be independent over time. In the second model, regression parameters are nonrandom and may take common values over time but the small area effects are serially dependent. The third model is more general in that regression parameters and small area effects are assumed to be serially dependent. The resulting estimators, as well as some cross-sectional estimators, are evaluated using bi-annual data from Statistics Canada’s National Farm Survey and January Farm Survey.

    Release date: 1994-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199400114435

    The problem of estimating domain totals and means from sample survey data is common. When the domain is large, the observed sample is generally large enough that direct, design-based estimators are sufficiently accurate. But when the domain is small, the observed sample size is small and direct estimators are inadequate. Small area estimation is a particular case in point and alternative methods such as synthetic estimation or model-based estimators have been developed. The two usual facets of such methods are that information is ‘borrowed’ from other small domains (or areas) so as to obtain more precise estimators of certain parameters and these are then combined with auxiliary information, such as population means or totals, from each small area in turn to obtain a more precise estimate of the domain (or area) mean or total. This paper describes a case involving unequal probability sampling in which no auxiliary population means or totals are available and borrowing strength from other domains is not allowed and yet simple model-based estimators are developed which appear to offer substantial efficiency gains. The approach is motivated by an application to market research but the methods are more widely applicable.

    Release date: 1994-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X199400114436

    This paper identifies some technical issues in the provision of small area data derived from censuses, administrative records and surveys. Although the issues are of a general nature, they are discussed in the context of programs at Statistics Canada. For survey-based estimates, the need for developing an overall strategy is stressed and salient features of survey design that have an impact on small area data are highlighted in the context of redesigning a household survey. A brief review of estimation methods with their strengths and weaknesses is also presented.

    Release date: 1994-06-15

  • 38. Working "9 to 5" Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X1994002117
    Geography: Canada

    An analysis of the characteristics of full-time paid workers with fixed daytime schedules.

    Release date: 1994-06-01

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X1994002136
    Geography: Canada

    The sluggish employment situation of lone mothers is examined in terms of their marital status.

    Release date: 1994-06-01

  • 40. Weekend workers Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X199400217
    Geography: Canada

    Weekend workers - who are they, and when and where do they work?

    Release date: 1994-06-01
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75-001-X199400137
    Geography: Canada

    An overview is presented of several surveys on training and education developed by Statistics Canada.

    Release date: 1994-03-02
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