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Survey or statistical program

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All (49)

All (49) (0 to 10 of 49 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 25-26-0002
    Description: The Consolidated Energy Statistics table (CEST) provides national level monthly estimates of supply and demand characteristics, for both primary and secondary energy sources by fuel type. The data is presented in terajoules; a common unit of measure, allowing easy comparisons between different fuel and energy types. The table is updated with new data on a monthly basis.
    Release date: 2023-12-07

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Table: 18-10-0253-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Monthly

    Wholesale services price index (WSPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Monthly data are available from January 2008. The table presents data for the most recent reference period and the last four periods. The base period for the index is (2013=100).

    Release date: 2022-09-28

  • Table: 18-10-0254-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Quarterly

    Wholesale services price index (WSPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Quarterly Data are available from the first quarter 2008. The table presents data for the most recent reference period and the last four periods. The base period for the index is (2013=100).

    Release date: 2022-09-28

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021063
    Description: This infographic highlights key employment characteristics in Canada’s oil and gas sector, for reference years 2009 to 2019. Data is taken from the most recent Natural Resource Satellite Account-Human Resource Module.
    Release date: 2021-08-26

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202100700003

    Since 2000, the oil and gas extraction industry has averaged 5% of GDP for Canada, 21% for Alberta, and 25% for Newfoundland and Labrador, making it an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Following the oil price crisis of March and April, 2020, many oil and gas companies in Canada cut back their production and investment plans. One year later the price of oil has increased to pre-crisis levels, and the recovering global economy may support a rebound in global oil demand. This article examines to what extent the industry has recovered from the crisis and the challenges facing the industry, now and in the future.

    Release date: 2021-07-28

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2020068
    Description: Efforts to make a transition to a low carbon economy have raised concerns that workers displaced from traditional energy-producing sectors might experience substantial earnings declines after job loss. Using data from a rich administrative dataset, this infographic documents the employment and earnings trajectories of oil and gas workers who were displaced from 1995 to 2016.
    Release date: 2020-12-01

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202000100007

    An overview of the methods used to compile statistics on exports of energy products within the International Merchandise Trade Program, specifically for the continuous transmission commodities crude oil, natural gas and electricity. Some exceptional processes are followed for these products, and this paper summarizes the methods used, and explains the factors behind the methods selected.

    Release date: 2020-11-30

  • Stats in brief: 45-28-0001202000100045

    The oil and gas industry is an important contributor to the Canadian economy, especially in Alberta. From the year 2000 onwards, its share in the total economy averaged about 5% of Canadian and 21% of Albertan GDP. The recent decline in oil prices will have a large impact on Canada's oil and gas industry, which in turn will affect other industries. This article estimates the economic impact of the potential decline in production and investment in the oil and gas industry due to recent shocks on the Canadian economy.

    Release date: 2020-07-08

  • Stats in brief: 11-626-X2020007

    This Economic Insights estimates the economic impact of the potential decline in production and investment in the oil and gas industry due to recent shocks in oil prices. Oil prices dropped sharply in March as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded and as Russia and Saudi Arabia failed to reach an agreement to support oil prices by limiting production. In response, oil companies in Canada reacted by adjusting down both capital expenditures and production plan in 2020. This article uses input-output multipliers to estimate the impact of such cut backs in production and investment on GDP growth and jobs in the total economy under different scenarios.

    Release date: 2020-07-08
Data (13)

Data (13) (0 to 10 of 13 results)

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Table: 18-10-0253-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Monthly

    Wholesale services price index (WSPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Monthly data are available from January 2008. The table presents data for the most recent reference period and the last four periods. The base period for the index is (2013=100).

    Release date: 2022-09-28

  • Table: 18-10-0254-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Quarterly

    Wholesale services price index (WSPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Quarterly Data are available from the first quarter 2008. The table presents data for the most recent reference period and the last four periods. The base period for the index is (2013=100).

    Release date: 2022-09-28

  • Table: 45-004-X

    This publication contains data on the supply and demand of refined petroleum products in Canada including refinery inputs, production, imports and exports, domestic sales and inventory levels by province and region. Data is available for propane and propane mixes, butane and butane mixes, petrochemical feedstocks, naphtha specialties, aviation gasoline, motor gasoline, aviation turbo fuel kerosene and naphtha types, stove oil kerosene, diesel fuel, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, asphalt, coke, lubes and greases, and still gas. It also includes notes and definitions.

    Release date: 2013-08-16

  • Table: 57-601-X

    The Energy statistics handbook provides current monthly, and historical annual energy data covering the last 12 years. This is a comprehensive source of detailed information on the energy field and a useful tool for those who analyze and follow the availability, production and use of energy in Canada. Data are organized and presented in a logical, easy-to-use manner by energy type. Selected economic indicators (money market, gross domestic product, etc.) are included to enhance understanding of the links between macroeconomic indicators and energy statistics.

    Release date: 2012-08-09

  • 6. Energy in Canada Archived
    Table: 16-201-X20040007444
    Description: Canadians live in a vast country with an abundance of energy resources. This natural resource wealth has played an important role in our economy, enabling us to meet our own energy needs and at the same time become one of the world's leading exporters of energy.

    Canadians are concerned about the supply of energy and available alternatives the impacts of energy use on the environment government action to address energy-related issues.

    This article creates a statistical portrait of Canada's energy resources to examine these concerns.

    Release date: 2004-10-27

  • Table: 55-201-X

    The publication presents information from companies primarily engaged in the gathering and transportation of crude oil and liquefied petroleum gases to refineries and for export. Details include: operating revenue/expenses, employment and payroll, balance sheet data, pumping stations, pipeline length and truck line systems, receipts and disposition of crude oil, summary of pipeline movements of crude oil and equivalent and liquified petroleum gases.

    Release date: 2003-01-10

  • Table: 55-001-X

    This on-line publication covers the activities of the major pipelines carrying crude oil and equivalents, liquefied petroleum gases such as propane, butane, ethane and others within and between provinces. The data are collected by province for receipts, deliveries, imports, exports and inventories.

    Release date: 2002-07-24

  • Table: 95F0301X

    This product presents basic counts and totals for all 2001 Census of Agriculture farm variables, including number and type of farms; crop, horticulture and land use areas; land management practices; numbers of livestock and poultry; organic farming; computer use; farm machinery and equipment; farm capital; and farm operating expenses and receipts. It provides a comprehensive picture of the agriculture industry across Canada.These data from the initial release of the 2001 Census of Agriculture are available at the Canada, province, territory, census agricultural region (CAR) and census division (CD) levels.This product replaces the series of eight Agricultural Profile publications (one for Canada, one for the Atlantic Provinces, and one for each of the other six provinces) produced for the 1996 Census of Agriculture.

    Release date: 2002-05-15

  • Table: 50-002-X20000045453

    Canada's ports handled a record 382.0 million tonnes (Mt.) of cargo in 1999 and a record of 2.2 million TEURS (twenty-foot-equivalent units) of containers.

    Release date: 2000-11-27
Analysis (34)

Analysis (34) (0 to 10 of 34 results)

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021063
    Description: This infographic highlights key employment characteristics in Canada’s oil and gas sector, for reference years 2009 to 2019. Data is taken from the most recent Natural Resource Satellite Account-Human Resource Module.
    Release date: 2021-08-26

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202100700003

    Since 2000, the oil and gas extraction industry has averaged 5% of GDP for Canada, 21% for Alberta, and 25% for Newfoundland and Labrador, making it an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Following the oil price crisis of March and April, 2020, many oil and gas companies in Canada cut back their production and investment plans. One year later the price of oil has increased to pre-crisis levels, and the recovering global economy may support a rebound in global oil demand. This article examines to what extent the industry has recovered from the crisis and the challenges facing the industry, now and in the future.

    Release date: 2021-07-28

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2020068
    Description: Efforts to make a transition to a low carbon economy have raised concerns that workers displaced from traditional energy-producing sectors might experience substantial earnings declines after job loss. Using data from a rich administrative dataset, this infographic documents the employment and earnings trajectories of oil and gas workers who were displaced from 1995 to 2016.
    Release date: 2020-12-01

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202000100007

    An overview of the methods used to compile statistics on exports of energy products within the International Merchandise Trade Program, specifically for the continuous transmission commodities crude oil, natural gas and electricity. Some exceptional processes are followed for these products, and this paper summarizes the methods used, and explains the factors behind the methods selected.

    Release date: 2020-11-30

  • Stats in brief: 45-28-0001202000100045

    The oil and gas industry is an important contributor to the Canadian economy, especially in Alberta. From the year 2000 onwards, its share in the total economy averaged about 5% of Canadian and 21% of Albertan GDP. The recent decline in oil prices will have a large impact on Canada's oil and gas industry, which in turn will affect other industries. This article estimates the economic impact of the potential decline in production and investment in the oil and gas industry due to recent shocks on the Canadian economy.

    Release date: 2020-07-08

  • Stats in brief: 11-626-X2020007

    This Economic Insights estimates the economic impact of the potential decline in production and investment in the oil and gas industry due to recent shocks in oil prices. Oil prices dropped sharply in March as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded and as Russia and Saudi Arabia failed to reach an agreement to support oil prices by limiting production. In response, oil companies in Canada reacted by adjusting down both capital expenditures and production plan in 2020. This article uses input-output multipliers to estimate the impact of such cut backs in production and investment on GDP growth and jobs in the total economy under different scenarios.

    Release date: 2020-07-08

  • Articles and reports: 11-631-X2017004
    Description: Energy's run as the largest contributor to Canadian export earnings ended in 2015, as the world grappled with an over-supply of oil. This presentation looks at Statistics Canada data to help provide insight into related price movements, the gasoline value chain and the subsequent economic fallout.
    Release date: 2017-10-19

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2017103

    Gasoline and fuel oil, products whose price movements closely reflect underlying changes in the price of crude oil, have a greater influence on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the Atlantic Provinces compared with the rest of Canada. This paper explores how the higher basket shares for gasoline and fuel oil in Atlantic Canada help shed light on why these oil-linked products have a greater influence on the rate of inflation in this region.

    Release date: 2017-06-23

  • Articles and reports: 11-631-X2017001

    This presentation focuses on key changes in the Canadian economic data since oil prices began to decline in mid-2014. The presentation highlights recent trends related to economic growth and labour market conditions, the impact of lower oil prices in current dollar terms and in volume terms, and the impact of a weaker Canadian dollar on merchandise trade and manufacturing.

    This presentation complements the release of Recent Developments in the Canadian Economy: Spring 2017. The graphs are based on seasonally adjusted data available in CANSIM on April 7th, 2017.

    Release date: 2017-04-20
Reference (3)

Reference (3) ((3 results))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 25-26-0002
    Description: The Consolidated Energy Statistics table (CEST) provides national level monthly estimates of supply and demand characteristics, for both primary and secondary energy sources by fuel type. The data is presented in terajoules; a common unit of measure, allowing easy comparisons between different fuel and energy types. The table is updated with new data on a monthly basis.
    Release date: 2023-12-07

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X201500214145

    Oil and gas exploration, development and production activities continue to grow in importance, making it essential that the appropriate level and growth of these activities are included in the measure of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Statistics Canada recently began incorporating results from the Quarterly Survey of Capital Expenditures – Oil and Gas Activities in sub-annual GDP statistics (for years 2011, 2013, 2014). This note provides a brief overview of the survey and the incorporation of its results when estimating quarterly investment.

    Release date: 2015-03-03

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X201400214100

    Canadian international merchandise trade data are released monthly and may be revised in subsequent releases as new information becomes available. These data are released approximately 35 days following the close of the reference period and represent one of the timeliest economic indicators produced by Statistics Canada. Given their timeliness, some of the data are not received in time and need to be estimated or modelled. This is the case for imports and exports of crude petroleum and natural gas. More specifically, at the time of release, energy trade data are based on an incomplete set of information and are revised as Statistics Canada and National Energy Board information becomes available in the subsequent months. Due to the increasing importance of energy imports and exports and the timeliness of the data, the revisions to energy prices and volumes are having an increasingly significant impact on the monthly revision to Canada’s trade balance. This note explains how the estimates in the initial release are made when data sources are not yet available, and how the original data are adjusted in subsequent releases.

    Release date: 2014-10-03
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