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  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800011006

    The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has an obligation to measure and annually report on the burden that it places on businesses participating in its surveys. There are also targets for reduction of costs to businesses complying with government regulation as part of the 2005 Administrative Burdens Reduction Project (ABRP) coordinated by the Better Regulation Executive (BRE).

    Respondent burden is measured by looking at the economic costs to businesses. Over time the methodology for measuring this economic cost has changed with the most recent method being the development and piloting of a Standard Cost Model (SCM) approach.

    The SCM is commonly used in Europe and is focused on measuring objective administrative burdens for all government requests for information e.g. tax returns, VAT, as well as survey participation. This method was not therefore specifically developed to measure statistical response burden. The SCM methodology is activity-based, meaning that the costs and time taken to fulfil requirements are broken down by activity.

    The SCM approach generally collects data using face-to-face interviews. The approach is therefore labour intensive both from a collection and analysis perspective but provides in depth information. The approach developed and piloted at ONS uses paper self-completion questionnaires.

    The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of respondent burden reporting and targets; and to review the different methodologies that ONS has used to measure respondent burden from the perspectives of sampling, data collection, analysis and usability.

    Release date: 2009-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X200710113309
    Geography: Canada

    This article summarizes the design, methods and results emerging from the Canadian Health Measures Survey pre-test, which took place from October through December 2004 in Calgary, Alberta.

    Release date: 2007-12-05

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20060019258

    This paper primarily aims at proposing a cost-effective strategy to estimate the intercensal unemployment rate at the provincial level in Iran. Taking advantage of the small area estimation (SAE) methods, this strategy is based on a single sampling at the national level. Three methods of synthetic, composite, and empirical Bayes estimators are used to find the indirect estimates of interest for the year 1996. Findings not only confirm the adequacy of the suggested strategy, but they also indicate that the composite and empirical Bayes estimators perform well and similarly.

    Release date: 2006-07-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20010015851

    We consider 'telesurveys' as surveys in which the predominant or unique mode of collection is based on some means of electronic telecommunications - including both the telephone and other more advanced technological devices such as e-mail, Internet, videophone or fax. We review, briefly, the early history of telephone surveys, and, in more detail, recent developments in the areas of sample design and estimation, coverage and nonresponse and evaluation of data quality. All these methodological developments have led the telephone survey to become the major mode of collection in the sample survey field in the past quarter of a century. Other modes of advanced telecommunication are fast becoming important supplements and even competitors to the fixed line telephone and are already being used in various ways for sample surveys. We examine their potential for survey work and the possible impact of current and future technological developments of the communications industry on survey practice and their methodological implications.

    Release date: 2001-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20000025538

    Cochran (1977, p.374) proposed some ratio and regression estimators of the population mean using the Hansen and Hurwitz (1946) procedure of sub-sampling the non-respondents assuming that the population mean of the auxiliary character is known. For the case where the population mean of the auxiliary character is not known in advance, some double (two-phase) sampling ratio and regression estimators are presented in this article. The relative performances of the proposed estimators are compared with the estimator proposed by Hansen and Hurwitz (1946).

    Release date: 2001-02-28

  • Articles and reports: 62F0014M1997008
    Geography: Province or territory

    In light of a recent change in population coverage, this study was initiated to determine whether the integrity of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) should be questioned on the grounds that it does not explicitly take into account rural house price movements. An attempt is made here to quantify the potential impact, using various regimes of artificial data to represent house price movements for rural regions. The regimes were manufactured in a way that allowed the analysis of differences between urban and rural regions in terms of the evolution of house prices, as well as differences in their cumulative price index levels. Three provinces were considered: Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia, all of which have large rural populations. The study results were monthly indexes for the time period, January 1986 to December 1994. The general conclusion was that house prices in rural regions would have to move very differently from those in urban regions to affect the overall level of the CPI. However, in the case of lower-level aggregates the failure to include rural house prices could be having an important effect. In addition, even when cumulative house price movements for rural and urban regions are similar, differences in their evolution tend to have an effect on the trend of the CPI, especially in the case of lower-level aggregates. While it is tempting to conclude that the current CPI methodology is robust enough to apply to the expanded population, this would be based purely on conjecture about the nature of movements in rural house prices. Hence, a second phase of this study will be initiated, whose purpose will be to develop a methodology to construct price indexes for rural regions.

    Release date: 1999-05-13

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1997099
    Geography: Canada

    Context : Lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer deaths in Canadian males for many years, and since 1994, this has been the case for Canadian femalesas well. It is therefore important to evaluate the resources required for its diagnosis and treatment. This article presents an estimate of the direct medical costsassociated with the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer calculated through the use of a micro-simulation model. For disease incidence, 1992 was chosen as thereference year, whereas costs are evaluated according to the rates that prevailed in 1993.Methods : A model for lung cancer has been incorporated into the Population Health Model (POHEM). The parameters of the model were drawn in part fromStatistics Canada's Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR), which provides information on the incidence and histological classification of lung cancer cases in Canada.The distribution of cancer stage at diagnosis was estimated by using information from two provincial cancer registries. A team of oncologists derived "typical" treatment approaches reflective of current practice, and the associated direct costs were calculated for these approaches. Once this information and the appropriatesurvival curves were incorporated into the POHEM model, overall costs of treatment were estimated by means of a Monte Carlo simulation.Results: It is estimated that overall, the direct medical costs of lung cancer diagnosis and treatment were just over $528 million. The cost per year of life gained as aresult of treatment of the disease was approximately $19,450. For the first time in Canada, it was possible to estimate the five year costs following diagnosis, bystage of the disease at the time of diagnosis. It was possible to estimate the cost per year of additional life gained for three alternative treatments of non small-cell lungcancer (NSCLC). Sensitivity analyses showed that these costs varied between $1,870 and $6,860 per year of additional life gained, which compares favourablywith the costs that the treatment of other diseases may involve.Conclusions: Contrary to widespread perceptions, it appears that the treatment of lung cancer is effective from an economic standpoint. In addition, the use of amicro-simulation model such as POHEM not only makes it possible to incorporate information from various sources in a coherent manner but also offers thepossibility of estimating the effect of alternative medical procedures from the standpoint of financial pressures on the health care system.

    Release date: 1997-04-22

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1996091
    Geography: Province or territory

    Introduction: In the current economic context, all partners in health care delivery systems, be they public or private, are obliged to identify the factors that influence the utilization of health care services. To improve our understanding of the phenomena that underlie these relationships, Statistics Canada and the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation have just set up a new database. For a representative sample of the population of the province of Manitoba, cross-sectional microdata on individuals' health and socio-economic characteristics were linked with detailed longitudinal data on utilization of health care services.

    Data and methods: The 1986-87 Health and Activity Limitation Survey, the 1986 Census and the files of Manitoba Health were matched (without using names or addresses) by means of the CANLINK software. In the pilot project, 20,000 units were selected from the Census according to modern sampling techniques. Before the files were matched, consultations were held and an agreement was signed by all parties in order to establish a framework for protecting privacy and preserving the confidentiality of the data.

    Results: A matching rate of 74% was obtained for private households. A quality evaluation based on the comparisons of names and addresses over a small subsample established that the overall concordance rate among matched pairs was 95.5%. The match rates and concordance rates varied according to age and household composition. Estimates produced from the sample accurately reflected the socio-demographic profile, mortality, hospitalization rate, health care costs and consumption of health care by Manitoba residents.

    Discussion: The matching rate of 74% was satisfactory in comparison with the response rates reported in most population surveys. Because of the excellent concordance rate and the accuracy of the estimates obtained from the sample, this database will provide an adequate basis for studying the association between socio-demographic characteristics, health and health care utilization in province of Manitoba.

    Release date: 1996-03-30
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  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2022003
    Description: This discussion paper describes the proposed methodology for a Northern Market Basket Measure (MBM-N) for Nunavut, as well as identifies research which could be conducted in preparation for the 2023 review. The paper presents initial MBM-N thresholds and provides preliminary poverty estimates for reference years 2018 to 2021. A review period will follow the release of this paper, during which time Statistics Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada will welcome feedback from interested parties and work with experts, stakeholders, indigenous organizations, federal, provincial and territorial officials to validate the results.
    Release date: 2023-06-21

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2022004

    This technical paper describes the results of the review period, including small adjustments to the disposable income amounts used in the discussion paper Construction of a Northern Market Basket Measure (MBM-N) of poverty for Yukon and the Northwest Territories. It also marks the end of the review period for the MBM-N for Yukon and the Northwest Territories by presenting the latest poverty estimates for reference year 2020.

    Release date: 2022-11-03

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2021007

    This discussion paper describes the proposed methodology for a Northern Market Basket Measure (MBM-N) for Yukon and the Northwest Territories, as well as identifies research which could be conducted in preparation for the 2023 review. The paper presents initial MBM-N thresholds and provides preliminary poverty estimates for reference years 2018 and 2019. A review period will follow the release of this paper, during which time Statistics Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada will welcome feedback from interested parties and work with experts, stakeholders, indigenous organizations, federal, provincial and territorial officials to validate the results.

    Release date: 2021-11-12

  • Articles and reports: 18-001-X2017002

    This working paper presents a methodology to measure remoteness at the community level. The method takes into account some of the recent literature on the subject, as well as new computational opportunities provided by the integration of official statistics with data from non-official statistical sources. The approach that was used in the computations accounts for multiple points of access to services; it also establishes a continuum between communities with different transportation infrastructures and connectivity while at the same time retaining the information on the community transportation infrastructures in the database. In addition, a method to implement accessibility measures to selected services is also outlined and a sample of accessibility measures are computed.

    Release date: 2017-05-09

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201500214250

    Assessing the impact of mode effects on survey estimates has become a crucial research objective due to the increasing use of mixed-mode designs. Despite the advantages of a mixed-mode design, such as lower costs and increased coverage, there is sufficient evidence that mode effects may be large relative to the precision of a survey. They may lead to incomparable statistics in time or over population subgroups and they may increase bias. Adaptive survey designs offer a flexible mathematical framework to obtain an optimal balance between survey quality and costs. In this paper, we employ adaptive designs in order to minimize mode effects. We illustrate our optimization model by means of a case-study on the Dutch Labor Force Survey. We focus on item-dependent mode effects and we evaluate the impact on survey quality by comparison to a gold standard.

    Release date: 2015-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201400214110

    In developing the sample design for a survey we attempt to produce a good design for the funds available. Information on costs can be used to develop sample designs that minimise the sampling variance of an estimator of total for fixed cost. Improvements in survey management systems mean that it is now sometimes possible to estimate the cost of including each unit in the sample. This paper develops relatively simple approaches to determine whether the potential gains arising from using this unit level cost information are likely to be of practical use. It is shown that the key factor is the coefficient of variation of the costs relative to the coefficient of variation of the relative error on the estimated cost coefficients.

    Release date: 2014-12-19

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201100111449

    We analyze the statistical and economic efficiency of different designs of cluster surveys collected in two consecutive time periods, or waves. In an independent design, two cluster samples in two waves are taken independently from one another. In a cluster-panel design, the same clusters are used in both waves, but samples within clusters are taken independently in two time periods. In an observation-panel design, both clusters and observations are retained from one wave of data collection to another. By assuming a simple population structure, we derive design variances and costs of the surveys conducted according to these designs. We first consider a situation in which the interest lies in estimation of the change in the population mean between two time periods, and derive the optimal sample allocations for the three designs of interest. We then propose the utility maximization framework borrowed from microeconomics to illustrate a possible approach to the choice of the design that strives to optimize several variances simultaneously. Incorporating the contemporaneous means and their variances tends to shift the preferences from observation-panel towards simpler panel-cluster and independent designs if the panel mode of data collection is too expensive. We present numeric illustrations demonstrating how a survey designer may want to choose the efficient design given the population parameters and data collection cost.

    Release date: 2011-06-29

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201000211384

    The current economic downturn in the US could challenge costly strategies in survey operations. In the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), ending the monthly data collection at 31 days could be a less costly alternative. However, this could potentially exclude a portion of interviews completed after 31 days (late responders) whose respondent characteristics could be different in many respects from those who completed the survey within 31 days (early responders). We examined whether there are differences between the early and late responders in demographics, health-care coverage, general health status, health risk behaviors, and chronic disease conditions or illnesses. We used 2007 BRFSS data, where a representative sample of the noninstitutionalized adult U.S. population was selected using a random digit dialing method. Late responders were significantly more likely to be male; to report race/ethnicity as Hispanic; to have annual income higher than $50,000; to be younger than 45 years of age; to have less than high school education; to have health-care coverage; to be significantly more likely to report good health; and to be significantly less likely to report hypertension, diabetes, or being obese. The observed differences between early and late responders on survey estimates may hardly influence national and state-level estimates. As the proportion of late responders may increase in the future, its impact on surveillance estimates should be examined before excluding from the analysis. Analysis on late responders only should combine several years of data to produce reliable estimates.

    Release date: 2010-12-21

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800010991

    In the evaluation of prospective survey designs, statistical agencies generally must consider a large number of design factors that may have a substantial impact on both survey costs and data quality. Assessments of trade-offs between cost and quality are often complicated by limitations on the amount of information available regarding fixed and marginal costs related to: instrument redesign and field testing; the number of primary sample units and sample elements included in the sample; assignment of instrument sections and collection modes to specific sample elements; and (for longitudinal surveys) the number and periodicity of interviews. Similarly, designers often have limited information on the impact of these design factors on data quality.

    This paper extends standard design-optimization approaches to account for uncertainty in the abovementioned components of cost and quality. Special attention is directed toward the level of precision required for cost and quality information to provide useful input into the design process; sensitivity of cost-quality trade-offs to changes in assumptions regarding functional forms; and implications for preliminary work focused on collection of cost and quality information. In addition, the paper considers distinctions between cost and quality components encountered in field testing and production work, respectively; incorporation of production-level cost and quality information into adaptive design work; as well as costs and operational risks arising from the collection of detailed cost and quality data during production work. The proposed methods are motivated by, and applied to, work with partitioned redesign of the interview and diary components of the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey.

    Release date: 2009-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800011004

    The issue of reducing the response burden is not new. Statistics Sweden works in different ways to reduce response burden and to decrease the administrative costs of data collection from enterprises and organizations. According to legislation Statistics Sweden must reduce response burden for the business community. Therefore, this work is a priority. There is a fixed level decided by the Government to decrease the administrative costs of enterprises by twenty-five percent until year 2010. This goal is valid also for data collection for statistical purposes. The goal concerns surveys with response compulsory legislation. In addition to these surveys there are many more surveys and a need to measure and reduce the burden from these surveys as well. In order to help measure, analyze and reduce the burden, Statistics Sweden has developed the Register of Data providers concerning enterprises and organization (ULR). The purpose of the register is twofold, to measure and analyze the burden on an aggregated level and to be able to give information to each individual enterprise which surveys they are participating in.

    Release date: 2009-12-03
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