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- 1. Research and development (R&D) expenditures of private non-profit (pnp) organizations, 1996 ArchivedStats in brief: 88-001-X19970137998Description:
This release provides data on the Research and development activities of the private non-profit sector.
Release date: 1997-12-18 - 2. Research and development (R&D) expenditures for environmental protection (ep) in Canadian industry, 1995 ArchivedStats in brief: 88-001-X19970128034Description: Industrial R&D expenditures for environmental protection represented 2% of total R&D expenditures in 1995. This small share, which has been maintained since 1990, is likely to be an underestimate due to those R&D investments mainly undertaken to improve production efficiency. In such cases, R&D expenditures on environmental protection would not be reported despite the additional benefits to the environment that may be achieved.Release date: 1997-11-24
- Table: 50-002-X19970073375Description:
Users should be aware that Canada's Top for-hire motor carriers of freight covers 76 carriers in the first quarter of 1997 and 74 in the second quarter of 1997, compared to 67 in 1996. Six more general freight carriers and three more specialized freight carriers have reached annual revenues of $25 million or more at the beginning of 1997. One top general freight carrier and one top specialized freight carrier, however, went out-of-business during the second quarter of 1997.
Release date: 1997-11-06 - 4. Results of the Annual Motor Carriers of Freight Survey of Small For-hire Carriers and Owner Operators, 1995 ArchivedTable: 50-002-X19970069059Description:
To provide users with a complete picture of the financial and operational activities associated with Small For-hire Motor Carriers of Freight and Owner Operators in Canada.
Release date: 1997-10-28 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M1997108Geography: CanadaDescription:
Trade exerts generally favourable effects on the performance of domestic manufacturing industries in the dimensions of allocative and productive efficiency. This paper reviews theory and recent evidence on these linkages and also explore a third effect-on the turbulence of competitive conditions and the turnover of business units. Calculations using primary census records for Canada over 1973-1992 indicate, with time and industry effect, controlled, market-share turnover, entry, exit, and mergers all increase with trade exposure. The effect is tied to market structures of differentiated products but broad international disturbances (North American Free Trade Area) also have significant effects. The normative significant of turbulence is mixed but has important positive components.
Release date: 1997-10-15 - Table: 50-002-X19970053240Description:
In the second half of 1996, the operating ratio (operating expenses divided by operating revenues) for all Canada-based for-hire motor carriers of freight with annual revenues larger than $1 million remained at 0.94 when compared with the last six months of 1995. The operating ratio of specialized freight carriers remained at 0.93 between the second half of 1996.
Release date: 1997-10-03 - Table: 50-002-X19970043099Description:
In 1995, 200 marine carriers based in Canada, including for-hire marine carriers, private carriers and government carriers, owned and operated a fleet of 1,760 vessels and employed 21,940 people with wages and salaries of $1,083 billion.
Release date: 1997-07-21 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M1996093Geography: CanadaDescription:
The statistical observation that small firms have created the majority of new jobs during the 1980s has had a tremendous influence on public policy. Governmentshave looked to the small firm sector for employment growth, and have promoted policies to augment this expansion. However, recent research in the US suggeststhat net job creation in the small firm sector may have been overestimated, relative to that in large firms. The first part of this paper addresses various measurement issues raised in the recent research, and uses a very unique Canadian longitudinal data set thatencompasses all companies in the Canadian economy to reassess the issue of job creation by firm size. We conclude that over the 1978-92 period, for both theentire Canadian economy and the manufacturing sector, the growth rate of net and gross employment decreases monotonically as the size of firm increases, no matterwhich method of sizing firms is used. Measurement does matter, however, as the magnitude of the difference in the growth rates of small and large firms is verysensitive to the measurement approaches used. Part one of the paper also produces results for various industrial sectors, and examines employment growth inexisting small and large firms (i.e., excluding births). It is found that employment growth in the population of existing small and large firms is very similar. Finallyattempts are made to introduce a job quality aspect to the numbers by using payroll distributions rather than employment. The net and gross rates of increase anddecrease in payrolls by firm size are found to be only marginally different than those of employment. The second part of the paper looks at concentration of employment creation and destruction within size classes. This is relevant because if growth is highlyconcentrated, knowing that a firm is small will provide little information about its prospects for growth. Most small firms would grow relatively little, or decline, whilea few expanded a lot. It is found that both job creation and destruction is highly concentrated among relatively few firms in all size groups, but it is greater amongsmall and mid-sized companies than large. Finally attempts are made to correlate the performance of businesses over two three-year periods. It is found thatknowing that a firm is a high performer (in terms of jobs created) over one period is of only limited value in determining growth in the second period. This isparticularly true among small firms. These results suggest that firms which expand rapidly during one period are replaced to some considerable degree by others inthe subsequent period.
Release date: 1997-07-17 - 9. Trucking in a borderless market: a profile of the Canadian trucking industry, 1988 to 1995 ArchivedTable: 53-222-X19950006583Description:
The paper is organized into four sections. The first section introduces the data used for the analysis while the second provides a brief synopsis of the role of trucking in the Canadian economy. The third section contains a summary of the changes that have come about, at least partly, due to deregulation. The fourth section examines changes in trucking activity under the FTA and NAFTA.
Release date: 1997-06-24 - Table: 50-002-X19970023093Description:
Private carriers are businesses that maintain a fleet of trucks to carry their own goods. The motor carriers of freight, private carriers survey covers those private carriers with at least $1 million in annual operating expenses that can provide separate accounting information for their trucking activities within the larger busines. This survey collects data on the size, structure and financial performance of those reporting private carriers. The number of carriers reporting to the survey in 1995 was 442, an increase of 22% over 1994. This increase was due, not to new firms entering the industry, but to an effort to contact as many carriers as possible using a recently updated list. In the following text, 1995 data comparisons with previous years are performed on a per carrier basis.
Release date: 1997-06-04
Data (8)
Data (8) ((8 results))
- Table: 50-002-X19970073375Description:
Users should be aware that Canada's Top for-hire motor carriers of freight covers 76 carriers in the first quarter of 1997 and 74 in the second quarter of 1997, compared to 67 in 1996. Six more general freight carriers and three more specialized freight carriers have reached annual revenues of $25 million or more at the beginning of 1997. One top general freight carrier and one top specialized freight carrier, however, went out-of-business during the second quarter of 1997.
Release date: 1997-11-06 - 2. Results of the Annual Motor Carriers of Freight Survey of Small For-hire Carriers and Owner Operators, 1995 ArchivedTable: 50-002-X19970069059Description:
To provide users with a complete picture of the financial and operational activities associated with Small For-hire Motor Carriers of Freight and Owner Operators in Canada.
Release date: 1997-10-28 - Table: 50-002-X19970053240Description:
In the second half of 1996, the operating ratio (operating expenses divided by operating revenues) for all Canada-based for-hire motor carriers of freight with annual revenues larger than $1 million remained at 0.94 when compared with the last six months of 1995. The operating ratio of specialized freight carriers remained at 0.93 between the second half of 1996.
Release date: 1997-10-03 - Table: 50-002-X19970043099Description:
In 1995, 200 marine carriers based in Canada, including for-hire marine carriers, private carriers and government carriers, owned and operated a fleet of 1,760 vessels and employed 21,940 people with wages and salaries of $1,083 billion.
Release date: 1997-07-21 - 5. Trucking in a borderless market: a profile of the Canadian trucking industry, 1988 to 1995 ArchivedTable: 53-222-X19950006583Description:
The paper is organized into four sections. The first section introduces the data used for the analysis while the second provides a brief synopsis of the role of trucking in the Canadian economy. The third section contains a summary of the changes that have come about, at least partly, due to deregulation. The fourth section examines changes in trucking activity under the FTA and NAFTA.
Release date: 1997-06-24 - Table: 50-002-X19970023093Description:
Private carriers are businesses that maintain a fleet of trucks to carry their own goods. The motor carriers of freight, private carriers survey covers those private carriers with at least $1 million in annual operating expenses that can provide separate accounting information for their trucking activities within the larger busines. This survey collects data on the size, structure and financial performance of those reporting private carriers. The number of carriers reporting to the survey in 1995 was 442, an increase of 22% over 1994. This increase was due, not to new firms entering the industry, but to an effort to contact as many carriers as possible using a recently updated list. In the following text, 1995 data comparisons with previous years are performed on a per carrier basis.
Release date: 1997-06-04 - Table: 50-002-X19970023094Description:
After the double-digit growth experienced in 1993 and 1994, trucking activity by Canada-based for-hire carriers with annual intercity revenues of at least $1.0 million increased at a more moderate rate in 1995 and 1996.
Release date: 1997-06-04 - 8. Motor carriers of freight: Top for-hire carriers; third and fourth quarter 1996 and 1996 Annual summary ArchivedTable: 50-002-X19970023095Description:
Sixty-seven Top Canada-based for-hire motor carriers (those with annual revenues over $25 million) posted operating ratios of 0.95 and 0.96 respectively in the third and fourth quarter of 1996. These ratios are identical to those for the same period in 1995. By type of trucking activity, there were some changes for the Specialized Freight carriers where the operating ratio, compared to the same period last year, has deteriorated in the 3rd quarter (from 0.93 to 0.94) and improved in the 4th quarter (from 0.97 to 0.96) There was no change in the operating ratios for the General Freight carriers from a year earlier.
Release date: 1997-06-04
Analysis (8)
Analysis (8) ((8 results))
- 1. Research and development (R&D) expenditures of private non-profit (pnp) organizations, 1996 ArchivedStats in brief: 88-001-X19970137998Description:
This release provides data on the Research and development activities of the private non-profit sector.
Release date: 1997-12-18 - 2. Research and development (R&D) expenditures for environmental protection (ep) in Canadian industry, 1995 ArchivedStats in brief: 88-001-X19970128034Description: Industrial R&D expenditures for environmental protection represented 2% of total R&D expenditures in 1995. This small share, which has been maintained since 1990, is likely to be an underestimate due to those R&D investments mainly undertaken to improve production efficiency. In such cases, R&D expenditures on environmental protection would not be reported despite the additional benefits to the environment that may be achieved.Release date: 1997-11-24
- Articles and reports: 11F0019M1997108Geography: CanadaDescription:
Trade exerts generally favourable effects on the performance of domestic manufacturing industries in the dimensions of allocative and productive efficiency. This paper reviews theory and recent evidence on these linkages and also explore a third effect-on the turbulence of competitive conditions and the turnover of business units. Calculations using primary census records for Canada over 1973-1992 indicate, with time and industry effect, controlled, market-share turnover, entry, exit, and mergers all increase with trade exposure. The effect is tied to market structures of differentiated products but broad international disturbances (North American Free Trade Area) also have significant effects. The normative significant of turbulence is mixed but has important positive components.
Release date: 1997-10-15 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M1996093Geography: CanadaDescription:
The statistical observation that small firms have created the majority of new jobs during the 1980s has had a tremendous influence on public policy. Governmentshave looked to the small firm sector for employment growth, and have promoted policies to augment this expansion. However, recent research in the US suggeststhat net job creation in the small firm sector may have been overestimated, relative to that in large firms. The first part of this paper addresses various measurement issues raised in the recent research, and uses a very unique Canadian longitudinal data set thatencompasses all companies in the Canadian economy to reassess the issue of job creation by firm size. We conclude that over the 1978-92 period, for both theentire Canadian economy and the manufacturing sector, the growth rate of net and gross employment decreases monotonically as the size of firm increases, no matterwhich method of sizing firms is used. Measurement does matter, however, as the magnitude of the difference in the growth rates of small and large firms is verysensitive to the measurement approaches used. Part one of the paper also produces results for various industrial sectors, and examines employment growth inexisting small and large firms (i.e., excluding births). It is found that employment growth in the population of existing small and large firms is very similar. Finallyattempts are made to introduce a job quality aspect to the numbers by using payroll distributions rather than employment. The net and gross rates of increase anddecrease in payrolls by firm size are found to be only marginally different than those of employment. The second part of the paper looks at concentration of employment creation and destruction within size classes. This is relevant because if growth is highlyconcentrated, knowing that a firm is small will provide little information about its prospects for growth. Most small firms would grow relatively little, or decline, whilea few expanded a lot. It is found that both job creation and destruction is highly concentrated among relatively few firms in all size groups, but it is greater amongsmall and mid-sized companies than large. Finally attempts are made to correlate the performance of businesses over two three-year periods. It is found thatknowing that a firm is a high performer (in terms of jobs created) over one period is of only limited value in determining growth in the second period. This isparticularly true among small firms. These results suggest that firms which expand rapidly during one period are replaced to some considerable degree by others inthe subsequent period.
Release date: 1997-07-17 - Stats in brief: 88-001-X19970058005Description:
The statistics presented in this bulletin are derived from our latest survey of industrial research and development activities in Canada.
Release date: 1997-05-30 - Articles and reports: 67F0001M1997001Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper examines foreign non-corporate investment in Canadian real estate for the year 1981.
Release date: 1997-05-13 - Articles and reports: 67F0001M1997012Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper provides information on Canadian bonds held by foreign investors.
Release date: 1997-05-13 - 8. The effect of country of control on industrial research and development (R&D) performance in Canada, 1993 ArchivedStats in brief: 88-001-X19970028008Description:
The size of spending on research and development performed by a firm may be influenced by the size of the firm, the country of control, or the industry in which the firm operates.
Release date: 1997-03-21
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