Evaluation of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - ARCHIVED

Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-634-X2009008


The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a parent-reported instrument designed to provide information on children's behaviours and relationships. The SDQ consists of 25 items which are grouped into five subscales: (1) pro-social, (2) inattention-hyperactivity, (3) emotional symptoms, (4) conduct problems, and (5) peer problems. The SDQ was used to provide information on children aged 2 to 5 years in the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS). Though validated on general populations, the constructs of the SDQ have not been validated for off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children in Canada. The first objective of this evaluation is to examine if the five subscales of the SDQ demonstrate construct validity and reliability for off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children. The second objective is to examine if an alternative set of subscales, using the 25 SDQ items, may be more valid and reliable for off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children.

Issue Number: 2009008
Author(s): Findlay, Leanne; Kohen, Dafna; McIntosh, Cameron; Oliver, Lisa
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLNovember 25, 2009
PDFNovember 25, 2009