Returning to the job after childbirth - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 75-001-X200711210467


A key family event, the birth of a child also has broader economic implications. If a mother stays home for an extended period after childbirth, her propensity to work in the future may be reduced since a long career interruption can affect job skills and chances of finding a new job. Although the tradition that women withdraw completely from the labour market upon giving birth has long gone, some mothers may still quit their jobs due to work schedule inflexibility, commuting difficulties, or lack of child care services. Although earnings drops were greater for the early 2000s cohorts of mothers than for the mid-1980s cohorts, the earnings recovery process was shorter.

Issue Number: 2007112
Author(s): Zhang, Xuelin
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLMarch 18, 2008
PDFMarch 18, 2008