Rural Canada Business Profiles: Interactive Dashboard

Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024001

Description: This dashboard shows the selected data from the Rural Canada Business Profile (RCBP) database that is produced based on the business tax returns filed with the Canada Revenue Agency. A reference year for the RCBP database runs from January 1 to December 31. The main variables in this RCBP dashboard are business counts, revenue, expenses, and balance sheets items. Data are organized by geography, by location, by industry code, and by industry incorporation status. The RCBP database defines rural and small town (RST) areas as communities outside census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations.
Issue Number: 2024001
Frequency: Occasional
Author(s): Devkota, Rachana; Khodja, Mahdia
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJanuary 16, 2024

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Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
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