Primary Textile Industries - ARCHIVED

Journals and periodicals: 34-250-X


In recent years, several economic forces have caused a change in the structure of the economy. Factors such as globalization and trade liberalization, among others, have intensified competition resulting in reallocation of resources among sectors in Canada. As business services, communications and wholesale trade emerged as engines of growth, it is generally perceived that the manufacturing industry has lost its significance. In contrast, a review of historical data on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) show that the share of manufacturing output was slightly up, from 17.2% in 1961 to 17.8% in 1998.

This paper reflects upon the importance of manufacturing in the economy and focuses on one industry - Primary Textiles. It concentrates on the evolution and significance of this industry within an overall changing economic structure using Statistics Canada's data base, CANSIM, results of the Annual Survey of Manufactures (1988 to 1997) along with current findings of the Monthly Survey of Manufacturing (1998 and 1999).

Status: Discontinued
Frequency: Annual
Available formats: HTML (discontinued), Paper (discontinued)
TitlesRelease dateMore Information
Primary Textile Industries, 1996 - ARCHIVEDFebruary 18, 2000More information
Primary Textile Industries, 1997 - ARCHIVEDOctober 1, 1999More information
Primary textile industries - ARCHIVEDOctober 1, 1999More information
Primary Textile Industries, 1995 - ARCHIVEDDecember 11, 1998More information