Enhancements to data collection: The Real Time Data Management System (RTMS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800011015


Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) prides itself in the accuracy and validity of data collected, processed and disseminated. The introduction of a Real Time Management System (RTMS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS) into field operations is aimed at enhancing the process of data collection and minimising errors with regard to locating sampled dwelling units and tracking material from one point in the survey chain to another.

The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a pioneering project at Stats SA where the Master sample (MS) is linked to a GPS data base, where every record listed on the MS listing book has a corresponding GPS coordinate captured for it. These GPS points allows the Survey Officer to record spatially where different records are on the ground that are being listed (i.e. shops, houses, schools, churches etc.). The captured information is then linked to a shape file which populates where the structures are on the ground in relation to the manual listing records.

Issue Number: 2008000
Author(s): Pieterson, Dion
FormatRelease dateMore information
CD-ROMDecember 3, 2009
PDFDecember 3, 2009