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All (47)

All (47) (0 to 10 of 47 results)

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2022005
    Description: A visual summary of the representation of women on boards of directors by province and territory. Users can specify a province or territory, choose from selected industries as well as selected countries of control, sizes of corporations by assets and type of corporation. Three reference periods are provided for comparison over time.
    Release date: 2023-05-29

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-634-X

    This publication is a catalogue of strategies and mechanisms that a statistical organization should consider adopting, according to its particular context. This compendium is based on lessons learned and best practices of leadership and management of statistical agencies within the scope of Statistics Canada’s International Statistical Fellowship Program (ISFP). It contains four broad sections including, characteristics of an effective national statistical system; core management practices; improving, modernizing and finding efficiencies; and, strategies to better inform and engage key stakeholders.

    Release date: 2016-07-06

  • Table: 99-012-X2011051
    Geography: Province or territory, Census division

    This table presents a cross-tabulation of data using selected characteristics from the National Household Survey.

    Release date: 2013-06-26

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800010980

    A census is the largest and possibly one of the most complex data collection operations undertaken by a government. Many of the challenges encountered are linked to the sheer size of the operation, when millions of dwellings need to be contacted, and thousands of people must be mobilized to help in the data collection efforts. Statistics Canada is a world leader in its approaches to census data collection. New collection approaches were introduced with the 2006 Census, more particularly an Internet response option, to add to the mail-out, telephone and face-to-face collection approaches. Such diversity in data collection methods requires an integrated approach to management to ensure quality and efficiency in an environment of declining survey response rates and a tighter fiscal framework. In preparing for its' 2011 Census, Statistics Canada is putting in place a number of new systems and processes to actively manage field data collection operations. One of the key elements of the approach will be a Field Management System which will allow the majority of field personnel to register enumeration progress in the field, and be informed in a very timely fashion of questionnaires received at the Data Operations Centre via Internet, by mail or other channels, thus informing them to cease non-response follow up efforts on those dwellings, in an attempt to eliminate unnecessary follow-up work.

    Release date: 2009-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800011015

    Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) prides itself in the accuracy and validity of data collected, processed and disseminated. The introduction of a Real Time Management System (RTMS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS) into field operations is aimed at enhancing the process of data collection and minimising errors with regard to locating sampled dwelling units and tracking material from one point in the survey chain to another.

    The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a pioneering project at Stats SA where the Master sample (MS) is linked to a GPS data base, where every record listed on the MS listing book has a corresponding GPS coordinate captured for it. These GPS points allows the Survey Officer to record spatially where different records are on the ground that are being listed (i.e. shops, houses, schools, churches etc.). The captured information is then linked to a shape file which populates where the structures are on the ground in relation to the manual listing records.

    Release date: 2009-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X200810913216
    Geography: Canada

    In 2007, the proportion of employed people in Canada was at its highest level in at least three decades, while the national unemployment rate sank to a 33-year low of 5.8%. However, manufacturing employment in Canada, as in the United States, has been on a downward trend. Between 2002 and 2007 employment rates increased the most in the highest-paying industries and occupations. On the other hand, some job losses were experienced by machine operators and assembly workers. Retail trade had been the largest creator of new jobs but was surpassed in 2007 by construction, and health care and social assistance.

    Release date: 2008-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 11-622-M2007014
    Geography: Canada

    The paper's main objective is to provide a concise synthesis of a wide array of data and research on multinationals originating in Statistics Canada, focusing on both historical and current studies.

    Chapter 2 discusses the macroeconomic contribution of foreign multinationals, focusing on two leading indicators of foreign multinational activity, foreign control and foreign direct investment. This chapter also describes studies that evaluate the contribution that foreign-controlled companies make to aggregate trade flows, linking changes in multinational trade intensity to the strategic reorganization of their production activities.

    Chapter 3 concentrates on the strategies and activities of foreign multinationals that are relevant to ongoing debates over whether the presence of foreign multinationals promotes, or hampers, Canada's industrial competitiveness. This chapter first examines evidence that domestic and foreign firms respond differently to domestic market conditions. Second, it asks whether foreign firms compete in different ways than domestic firms do. Third, it examines the relative emphasis that foreign multinationals place on innovation and technology practices, and reports on the relationship between these activities and observable market outcomes. Fourth, it reports on the contribution that foreign-controlled firms make to productivity growth. Fifth, it discusses new research that focuses on the relationship between foreign ownership and head-office employment. Studies in these areas speak directly to the issue of whether foreign multinationals truncate or develop their corporate activities in host markets.

    Chapter 4 focuses on studies that examine the foreign activities of Canadian-owned multinationals and how their domestic plants compare to foreign-controlled plants operating in Canada.

    Chapter 5 offers an appraisal of Statistics Canada's research on multinationals.

    Release date: 2007-11-13

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20050019471

    Active management involves planning an approach to maximize 'success' of the collection process. One objective of active management is to identify collection problems as quickly as possible and implement an appropriate action plan to deal with the situation.

    Release date: 2007-03-02

  • Articles and reports: 88F0006X2006010

    It is well-known that small firms are managed differently from large firms, and this paper provides further evidence in support of this idea while suggesting that some small firms are adopting management behaviours of larger firms. Could these small firms be positioning themselves for growth or using organisational innovation as a tool for survival or adopting some formal organization practices early? In 2004, the Survey of Electronic Commerce and Technology provided a list of eight management practices that according to interviews with small and medium-sized firms indicated potential firm growth. The management practices listed were organisational structures; employee feedback surveys; mentoring or coaching programs; and written strategies for marketing; managing growth; commercialisation of intellectual property; succession management; and risk management.

    Release date: 2006-10-02

  • Articles and reports: 88F0006X2005012

    This working paper highlights a variety of aspects of innovation in the information and communications technology (ICT) services sector industries including incidence and types of innovation, novelty of innovation, innovation activities, sources of information and collaboration, problems and obstacles to innovation and impacts of innovation.

    Release date: 2005-10-25
Data (3)

Data (3) ((3 results))

Analysis (42)

Analysis (42) (0 to 10 of 42 results)

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-634-X

    This publication is a catalogue of strategies and mechanisms that a statistical organization should consider adopting, according to its particular context. This compendium is based on lessons learned and best practices of leadership and management of statistical agencies within the scope of Statistics Canada’s International Statistical Fellowship Program (ISFP). It contains four broad sections including, characteristics of an effective national statistical system; core management practices; improving, modernizing and finding efficiencies; and, strategies to better inform and engage key stakeholders.

    Release date: 2016-07-06

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800010980

    A census is the largest and possibly one of the most complex data collection operations undertaken by a government. Many of the challenges encountered are linked to the sheer size of the operation, when millions of dwellings need to be contacted, and thousands of people must be mobilized to help in the data collection efforts. Statistics Canada is a world leader in its approaches to census data collection. New collection approaches were introduced with the 2006 Census, more particularly an Internet response option, to add to the mail-out, telephone and face-to-face collection approaches. Such diversity in data collection methods requires an integrated approach to management to ensure quality and efficiency in an environment of declining survey response rates and a tighter fiscal framework. In preparing for its' 2011 Census, Statistics Canada is putting in place a number of new systems and processes to actively manage field data collection operations. One of the key elements of the approach will be a Field Management System which will allow the majority of field personnel to register enumeration progress in the field, and be informed in a very timely fashion of questionnaires received at the Data Operations Centre via Internet, by mail or other channels, thus informing them to cease non-response follow up efforts on those dwellings, in an attempt to eliminate unnecessary follow-up work.

    Release date: 2009-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800011015

    Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) prides itself in the accuracy and validity of data collected, processed and disseminated. The introduction of a Real Time Management System (RTMS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS) into field operations is aimed at enhancing the process of data collection and minimising errors with regard to locating sampled dwelling units and tracking material from one point in the survey chain to another.

    The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a pioneering project at Stats SA where the Master sample (MS) is linked to a GPS data base, where every record listed on the MS listing book has a corresponding GPS coordinate captured for it. These GPS points allows the Survey Officer to record spatially where different records are on the ground that are being listed (i.e. shops, houses, schools, churches etc.). The captured information is then linked to a shape file which populates where the structures are on the ground in relation to the manual listing records.

    Release date: 2009-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X200810913216
    Geography: Canada

    In 2007, the proportion of employed people in Canada was at its highest level in at least three decades, while the national unemployment rate sank to a 33-year low of 5.8%. However, manufacturing employment in Canada, as in the United States, has been on a downward trend. Between 2002 and 2007 employment rates increased the most in the highest-paying industries and occupations. On the other hand, some job losses were experienced by machine operators and assembly workers. Retail trade had been the largest creator of new jobs but was surpassed in 2007 by construction, and health care and social assistance.

    Release date: 2008-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 11-622-M2007014
    Geography: Canada

    The paper's main objective is to provide a concise synthesis of a wide array of data and research on multinationals originating in Statistics Canada, focusing on both historical and current studies.

    Chapter 2 discusses the macroeconomic contribution of foreign multinationals, focusing on two leading indicators of foreign multinational activity, foreign control and foreign direct investment. This chapter also describes studies that evaluate the contribution that foreign-controlled companies make to aggregate trade flows, linking changes in multinational trade intensity to the strategic reorganization of their production activities.

    Chapter 3 concentrates on the strategies and activities of foreign multinationals that are relevant to ongoing debates over whether the presence of foreign multinationals promotes, or hampers, Canada's industrial competitiveness. This chapter first examines evidence that domestic and foreign firms respond differently to domestic market conditions. Second, it asks whether foreign firms compete in different ways than domestic firms do. Third, it examines the relative emphasis that foreign multinationals place on innovation and technology practices, and reports on the relationship between these activities and observable market outcomes. Fourth, it reports on the contribution that foreign-controlled firms make to productivity growth. Fifth, it discusses new research that focuses on the relationship between foreign ownership and head-office employment. Studies in these areas speak directly to the issue of whether foreign multinationals truncate or develop their corporate activities in host markets.

    Chapter 4 focuses on studies that examine the foreign activities of Canadian-owned multinationals and how their domestic plants compare to foreign-controlled plants operating in Canada.

    Chapter 5 offers an appraisal of Statistics Canada's research on multinationals.

    Release date: 2007-11-13

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20050019471

    Active management involves planning an approach to maximize 'success' of the collection process. One objective of active management is to identify collection problems as quickly as possible and implement an appropriate action plan to deal with the situation.

    Release date: 2007-03-02

  • Articles and reports: 88F0006X2006010

    It is well-known that small firms are managed differently from large firms, and this paper provides further evidence in support of this idea while suggesting that some small firms are adopting management behaviours of larger firms. Could these small firms be positioning themselves for growth or using organisational innovation as a tool for survival or adopting some formal organization practices early? In 2004, the Survey of Electronic Commerce and Technology provided a list of eight management practices that according to interviews with small and medium-sized firms indicated potential firm growth. The management practices listed were organisational structures; employee feedback surveys; mentoring or coaching programs; and written strategies for marketing; managing growth; commercialisation of intellectual property; succession management; and risk management.

    Release date: 2006-10-02

  • Articles and reports: 88F0006X2005012

    This working paper highlights a variety of aspects of innovation in the information and communications technology (ICT) services sector industries including incidence and types of innovation, novelty of innovation, innovation activities, sources of information and collaboration, problems and obstacles to innovation and impacts of innovation.

    Release date: 2005-10-25

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X20050028017
    Geography: Canada

    Statistics Canada has been working with NRC-IRAP on a series of projects to better understand the characteristics of growth firms. The first phase of the study concluded that one needed to take into account a company's stage in its lifecycle, its industry and even the "management style" to better understand how these growth factors applied.

    Release date: 2005-06-20

  • Articles and reports: 21-006-X2005002
    Geography: Canada

    This bulletin investigates the spatial distribution of occupational structure and its change between 1991 and 2001.

    Release date: 2005-02-24
Reference (2)

Reference (2) ((2 results))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 85-217-X
    Geography: Province or territory

    This publication describes the structure and administration of provincial/territorial legal aid services in Canada. It also includes information on legislation, organization, coverage, eligibility, duty counsel and tariffs.

    Release date: 2002-05-24

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0002M1993009

    This paper presents an analysis of the questions in the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) relating to supervision and management. It uses data collected in January 1993.

    Release date: 1995-12-30
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