Perfoming logistic regression on survey data with the new surveylogistic procedure - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-522-X20020016723


Categorical outcomes, such as binary, ordinal and nominal responses, occur often in survey research. Logistic regression investigates the relationship between such categorical responses variables and a set of explanatory variables. The LOGISTIC procedure can be used to perform a logistic analysis on data from a random sample. However, this approach is not valid if the data come from other sample designs, such as complex survey designs with stratification, clustering and/or unequal weighting. In these cases, specialized techniques must be applied in order to produce the appropriate estimates and standard errors.

The SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, experimental in Version 9, brings logistic regression for survey data to the SAS System and delivers much of the functionality of the LOGISTIC procedure. This paper describes the methodological approach and applications for this new software.

Issue Number: 2002001
Author(s): An, Anthony
FormatRelease dateMore information
CD-ROMSeptember 13, 2004
PDFSeptember 13, 2004

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