Census of Environment: Selected population characteristics by ecological and hydrological areas
Released: 2023-05-01
Today, Statistics Canada's Census of Environment is releasing the 2021 data on selected population characteristics by ecological and hydrological areas.
The overarching objective of the Census of Environment is to deliver a full picture of the complex relationship between ecosystems and the economy, society and human well-being. One important characteristic that needs to be monitored and reported is human population counts. Population counts and densities help us understand the potential pressures on ecosystems and the demand for ecosystem services.
Note to readers
Statistics Canada's new Census of Environment program reports on ecosystems in Canada, to help Canadians make evidence-based decisions to protect, rehabilitate, enhance, and sustain our environment. It follows the internationally accepted environmental-economic accounting standard for producing information on ecosystems' extent, their condition, and the services they provide.
The updates to Table 17-10-0117 and Table 38-10-0047 provide Canadians with historical context on the population of Canada using two environmental geographies. Both geographies cover the whole of Canada.
The Standard Drainage Area Classification (SDAC) is Statistics Canada's official classification of drainage areas in Canada. The SDAC provides unique numeric codes for the different levels in the hierarchy of drainage areas including major drainage areas and sub-drainage areas.
The Ecological Land Classification 2017 provides standard names and codes for Canada's ecological areas including ecozones and ecoregions.
For more information, see Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts – Ecosystem Accounts
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