Electric power generation, monthly generation by type of electricity (monthly)(25-10-0015-01) |
Electric power generation, monthly receipts, deliveries and availability (monthly)(25-10-0016-01) |
Natural gas liquids and sulphur products from processing plants, monthly supply (monthly)(25-10-0036-01) |
Coal coke plant, monthly statistics (monthly)(25-10-0045-01) |
Coal, monthly production and exports (monthly)(25-10-0046-01) |
Supply and disposition of natural gas, monthly (data in thousands) (monthly)(25-10-0055-01) |
Supply and disposition of crude oil and equivalent (monthly)(25-10-0063-01) |
Consolidated Energy Statistics (monthly)(25-10-0079-01) |
Petroleum products by supply and disposition, monthly (monthly)(25-10-0081-01) |
Renewable fuel plant statistics, supply and disposition, monthly (monthly)(25-10-0082-01) |