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Retail Commodity Survey, August 2022

Released: 2022-11-07

Retail sales reached $64.6 billion in August, an increase of 8.7% compared with the same month in 2021. Higher sales were reported in 18 of the 19 commodity classes.

The advance estimate provided by the Monthly Retail Trade Survey suggests that unadjusted total retail sales increased by 7.3% in September. Because of its preliminary nature, this figure will be revised.

Fuel sales continue to lead growth

In August, the largest contributor to the increase in retail sales in dollar terms was higher sales of automotive and household fuels (+29.7%). With continued elevated prices at the pump, sales of automotive fuels posted their 18th consecutive annual increase in August, rising 29.6% from August 2021.

Following a decline in July, sales of motor vehicles rose 2.8% in August, compared with the same month the previous year. The most substantial gain was observed in sales of used motor vehicles (+9.2%), led by used minivans, sport utility vehicles and light trucks (+9.9%). Sales of new motor vehicles decreased 2.1%, partially offsetting the gains in used motor vehicles.

Strong food sales continue in August

Food sales increased year over year for a fifth consecutive month in August (+10.0%). In this product class, the largest gain was posted by fresh food (+9.2%), with sales of fresh fruit and vegetables (+12.9%) leading the growth. Sales of packaged food dry goods (+9.4%) and frozen food (+17.5%) also increased in August. Sales of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages posted a 6.9% increase compared with August 2021; the higher sales were led by sales of soft drinks and non-alcoholic beverages, which increased 16.7%. Alcoholic beverages posted a sales increase of 3.5% from the same month the previous year.

As Canadians continued to renovate and complete projects around the house, sales of hardware, tools, and renovation and lawn and garden products grew 9.7% in August. The majority of the gain came from higher sales of renovation materials and supplies (+10.4%), with sales of lumber and other renovation materials and supplies (+9.9%) accounting for the bulk of the increase. Higher sales of home lawn and garden equipment and supplies (+9.9%) and hardware and tools (+5.7%) also contributed to the increase in the product class.

  Note to readers

The Retail Commodity Survey collects national-level retail sales data, by commodity, from the same businesses surveyed in the Monthly Retail Trade Survey. No data have been seasonally adjusted. All percentage changes are year over year.

From the May 2022 release of February data, estimates for the Monthly Retail Trade Survey are being calculated using a new sample. The sample is periodically refreshed to reflect the evolution of the target population since the last sample was drawn. The change is reflected on the Business Register through births, deaths and reclassifications to the survey population. The sample design has also been modified to be more efficient and to allow an increased use of administrative data sources.

Regular annual revisions for 2021 and 2020 and typical historical revisions were also included in the new data series.

The data have been revised using historical linkage factors designed to preserve the continuity of the time series. This linkage method leads to larger revisions for more recent periods.

New retail commodity data for e-commerce now available

Estimates from the Retail Commodity Survey are now available for the electronic shopping and mail-order houses industry (North American Industry Classification System [NAICS] code 454110).

E-commerce figures from brick-and-mortar retailers are included with the retailer's commodity sales. If the online operations of a brick-and-mortar retailer are separately managed, they are classified under NAICS code 45411 (electronic shopping and mail-order houses). Businesses commonly referred to as pure-play Internet retailers are also classified under NAICS code 45411. Total retail sales figures do not include sales from retailers classified under NAICS code 45411.

Find more statistics on retail trade.

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