Chart 3
Gross domestic product price indexes, selected components

price index (2012=100) 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 I II 2016 III IV I II 2017 III IV I II 2018 III IV I II 2019 III IV I II 2020 III IV I II 2021 III IV I 2022 Gross domestic productGross domestic product Residential investmentResidential investment Terms of tradeTerms of trade

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Gross domestic product price indexes, selected components, price index (2012=100)
  Gross domestic product Residential investment Terms of trade
First quarter 2016 102.5 110.2 88.8
Second quarter 2016 103.2 110.9 91.0
Third quarter 2016 103.8 111.4 91.9
Fourth quarter 2016 104.8 112.7 93.3
First quarter 2017 105.8 115.5 94.9
Second quarter 2017 105.8 115.4 93.6
Third quarter 2017 105.9 116.0 94.0
Fourth quarter 2017 107.4 117.8 95.8
First quarter 2018 107.7 117.4 95.9
Second quarter 2018 108.4 118.2 96.8
Third quarter 2018 108.6 119.0 95.9
Fourth quarter 2018 107.2 119.3 91.1
First quarter 2019 108.5 119.3 94.1
Second quarter 2019 109.6 119.8 94.6
Third quarter 2019 109.6 120.5 93.7
Fourth quarter 2019 110.5 122.3 94.4
First quarter 2020 109.4 123.2 89.8
Second quarter 2020 108.6 122.5 87.1
Third quarter 2020 111.0 127.8 92.6
Fourth quarter 2020 112.4 130.9 94.9
First quarter 2021 115.9 137.3 101.0
Second quarter 2021 118.6 143.3 105.7
Third quarter 2021 120.1 146.3 104.0
Fourth quarter 2021 122.4 152.3 105.2
First quarter 2022 126.0 158.0 109.7
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