Chart 3
Beer sales by volume, per person of legal drinking age, 1949/1950 to 2020/2021

sales volume (litres) 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 1949 1955 1961 1967 1973 1979 1985 1991 1997 2003 2009 2015
Chart years represent fiscal years (e.g., 1949 = 1949/1950).

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Beer sales by volume, per person of legal drinking age, 1949/1950 to 2020/2021
  sales volume (litres)
1949 82.0
1950 80.4
1951 82.7
1952 96.2
1953 96.9
1954 92.4
1955 96.9
1956 98.1
1957 98.8
1958 93.5
1959 99.7
1960 98.8
1961 100.0
1962 102.6
1963 105.9
1964 108.0
1965 107.9
1966 110.9
1967 112.0
1968 110.5
1969 114.2
1970 118.2
1971 121.4
1972 125.0
1973 128.5
1974 128.1
1975 128.3
1976 124.1
1977 124.3
1978 120.0
1979 122.5
1980 116.6
1981 118.5
1982 114.3
1983 113.3
1984 111.2
1985 109.2
1986 108.1
1987 109.1
1988 106.9
1989 104.3
1990 101.2
1991 98.1
1992 93.5
1993 93.0
1994 93.2
1995 92.8
1996 90.3
1997 90.5
1998 91.3
1999 91.5
2000 89.5
2001 90.4
2002 89.0
2003 89.4
2004 88.3
2005 89.7
2006 89.9
2007 89.4
2008 89.1
2009 89.0
2010 85.4
2011 85.4
2012 82.9
2013 80.5
2014 79.1
2015 79.3
2016 77.7
2017 76.0
2018 74.6
2019 71.1
2020 69.6
Chart years represent fiscal years (e.g., 1949 = 1949/1950).
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