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Hours worked and labour productivity in the provinces and territories, 2020

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Released: 2022-02-11

Revised data on provincial and territorial labour productivity and related measures from 1997 to 2020 are now available.

These revisions are consistent with those incorporated in the provincial and territorial economic accounts and the provincial and territorial gross domestic product (GDP) by industry (released on November 9, 2021). They are also consistent with those incorporated in the national GDP by industry (released on November 30, 2021).

The revised data also incorporate historical revisions to the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (released on March 30, 2021) as well as revisions from 2001 to 2020 to the Labour Force Survey (released on January 25, 2021). They also incorporate new benchmark data from the provincial and territorial supply and use tables for reference year 2018.

Two new series (wages and salaries and the effective wage rate of employees) were added to the data table (36-10-0489-01) which contains provincial and territorial labour statistics. This provides more details on the components of employees' compensation.

New data on hours worked and labour productivity in the provinces and territories for 2021 will be released on May 20, 2022. With the release of these estimates for 2021, two new tables of labour statistics will also be released for the first time. These new tables represent an expansion to the table (36-10-0489-01). The first new table will contain labour statistics by economic region and job category. The data in this table will also include the mobility of workers between Canada and the United States (international flows) and between economic regions of Canada (interregional flows). The second new table will contain labour statistics by work schedule (full-time or part-time). For employees, this new table will also contain estimates of hours paid compared with hours worked.

Statistics Canada is closely monitoring the impacts of COVID-19 and will continue to report those impacts on the provincial and territorial labour productivity and related measures as new information becomes available.

The data in this release will constitute the baseline for comparisons with 2021 and for assessments of the impact of COVID-19 on provincial and territorial productivity.

  Note to readers

Provincial and territorial measures of labour productivity and related variables are consistent with the concepts of the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts and with the Input–Output Industry Codes.

It is important to note that real output (used to measure productivity) is based on the value added measured at basic prices, not at market prices, which is consistent with the detailed framework by industry. As well, the real estate, rental and leasing industry, part of the service-producing business sector, excludes the imputed rent for owner-occupied dwellings because there are no data on the number of hours that homeowners spend on dwelling maintenance services.


The Economic accounts statistics portal, accessible from the Subjects module of the Statistics Canada website, features an up-to-date portrait of national and provincial economies and their structure.

The Latest Developments in the Canadian Economic Accounts (Catalogue number13-605-X) is available.

The User Guide: Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (Catalogue number13-606-G) is available.

The Methodological Guide: Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (Catalogue number13-607-X) is available.

Contact information

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; or Media Relations (

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