Chart 3
Month-to-month change in the value of residential building permits

Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 millions of dollars Single-family dwellingsSingle-family dwellings Multi-family dwellingsMulti-family dwellings
Data for Nunavut are too unreliable to be published.

Chart description

This is a bar stacked chart.

Month-to-month change in the value of residential building permits, millions of dollars
  Single-family dwellings Multi-family dwellings
Canada -33.7 -171.8
Newfoundland and Labrador -1.7 -0.1
Prince Edward Island 3.6 1.5
Nova Scotia -10.7 -9.5
New Brunswick -6.9 -26.9
Quebec 8.1 36.7
Ontario 17.1 -393.4
Manitoba -4.3 -44.2
Saskatchewan 2.2 2.5
Alberta -33.7 -126.4
British Columbia -7.8 375.9
Yukon 0.4 0.2
Northwest Territories 0.1 -0.1
Nunavut F F
Data for Nunavut are too unreliable to be published.
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