Chart 1
Total value of building permits

billions of dollars 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 Feb. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Feb. 2021 Seasonally adjustedSeasonally adjusted Trend cycleTrend cycle
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the three previous months. For more information, see the note to readers.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Total value of building permits, billions of dollars
  Seasonally adjusted Trend cycle
February 2016 7.124 6.906
March 2016 6.845 6.931
April 2016 7.499 6.940
May 2016 6.926 6.942
June 2016 6.440 7.007
July 2016 6.830 7.108
August 2016 7.599 7.251
September 2016 7.109 7.408
October 2016 8.165 7.533
November 2016 7.841 7.581
December 2016 7.111 7.575
January 2017 7.494 7.567
February 2017 7.670 7.609
March 2017 7.662 7.698
April 2017 7.387 7.782
May 2017 8.204 7.958
June 2017 8.513 8.090
July 2017 8.098 8.123
August 2017 7.789 8.132
September 2017 8.205 8.142
October 2017 8.522 8.147
November 2017 7.895 8.120
December 2017 7.819 8.131
January 2018 8.333 8.197
February 2018 8.352 8.261
March 2018 8.420 8.282
April 2018 8.102 8.286
May 2018 8.355 8.298
June 2018 8.434 8.257
July 2018 8.275 8.233
August 2018 7.912 8.231
September 2018 8.165 8.234
October 2018 8.281 8.229
November 2018 8.462 8.276
December 2018 8.684 8.344
January 2019 8.040 8.395
February 2019 7.835 8.493
March 2019 8.558 8.633
April 2019 9.939 8.758
May 2019 8.709 8.786
June 2019 8.242 8.753
July 2019 8.633 8.695
August 2019 9.137 8.660
September 2019 8.344 8.585
October 2019 8.509 8.578
November 2019 8.033 8.552
December 2019 8.884 8.466
January 2020 8.947 8.291
February 2020 8.421 8.043
March 2020 7.525 7.775
April 2020 6.307 7.646
May 2020 7.761 7.705
June 2020 8.291 7.888
July 2020 8.125 8.210
August 2020 8.269 8.540
September 2020 9.664 8.950
October 2020 8.729 9.227
November 2020 9.686 9.417
December 2020 9.304 9.578
January 2021 9.944 9.762
February 2021 10.150 9.865
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the three previous months. For more information, see the note to readers.
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