Chart 2
Health occupations account for more than half of the rise in job vacancies

Health Education, law and social, community and government services Trades, transport and equipment operators Manufacturing and utilities Business, finance and administration Natural resources, agriculture and related production Natural and applied sciences Management Art, culture, recreation and sport Sales and service -10,000 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 year-over-year change (number)¹
Fourth quarter 2020 compared with fourth quarter 2019.
The year-over-year change (number) was not statistically significant for natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations; natural and applied sciences and related occupations; and sales and service occupations. Not seasonally adjusted.
Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (5217), Table 14-10-0356-01.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Health occupations account for more than half of the rise in job vacancies
  year-over-year change (number)¹
Health 27,960
Education, law and social, community and government services 8,880
Trades, transport and equipment operators 8,780
Manufacturing and utilities 7,265
Business, finance and administration 5,050
Natural resources, agriculture and related production 1,220
Natural and applied sciences -505
Management -1,880
Art, culture, recreation and sport -2,235
Sales and service -2,250
Fourth quarter 2020  compared with fourth quarter 2019.
The year-over-year change (number) was not statistically significant for natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations; natural and applied sciences and related occupations; and sales and service occupations. Not seasonally adjusted.
Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (5217), Table 14-10-0356-01.
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