Chart 1
Total value of building permits

billions of dollars 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 Aug. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Aug. 2020 Seasonally adjustedSeasonally adjusted Trend-cycleTrend-cycle
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the three previous months. For more information, see the note to readers.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Total value of building permits, billions of dollars
  Seasonally adjusted Trend-cycle
August 2015 7.401 7.231
September 2015 7.064 7.135
October 2015 7.439 7.058
November 2015 6.531 6.967
December 2015 7.117 6.937
January 2016 6.412 6.904
February 2016 7.124 6.916
March 2016 6.845 6.941
April 2016 7.499 6.948
May 2016 6.926 6.951
June 2016 6.440 7.009
July 2016 6.830 7.104
August 2016 7.599 7.240
September 2016 7.109 7.398
October 2016 8.165 7.524
November 2016 7.841 7.574
December 2016 7.111 7.576
January 2017 7.494 7.567
February 2017 7.670 7.609
March 2017 7.662 7.698
April 2017 7.387 7.782
May 2017 8.204 7.958
June 2017 8.513 8.090
July 2017 8.098 8.120
August 2017 7.789 8.130
September 2017 8.205 8.149
October 2017 8.522 8.162
November 2017 7.895 8.137
December 2017 7.819 8.145
January 2018 8.448 8.199
February 2018 8.410 8.238
March 2018 8.256 8.227
April 2018 7.939 8.215
May 2018 8.280 8.226
June 2018 8.432 8.195
July 2018 8.218 8.187
August 2018 7.885 8.219
September 2018 8.239 8.274
October 2018 8.264 8.313
November 2018 8.534 8.386
December 2018 8.868 8.460
January 2019 8.346 8.492
February 2019 8.018 8.528
March 2019 8.354 8.587
April 2019 9.596 8.665
May 2019 8.571 8.680
June 2019 8.251 8.665
July 2019 8.596 8.639
August 2019 9.095 8.656
September 2019 8.545 8.642
October 2019 8.450 8.653
November 2019 8.110 8.640
December 2019 8.931 8.551
January 2020 9.308 8.357
February 2020 8.416 8.052
March 2020 7.284 7.764
April 2020 6.238 7.574
May 2020 7.586 7.548
June 2020 8.065 7.601
July 2020 7.939 7.722
August 2020 8.073 7.878
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the three previous months. For more information, see the note to readers.
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