Table 4 
Real gross domestic product by expenditure account – Seasonally adjusted at annual rates 

Real gross domestic product by expenditure account – Seasonally adjusted at annual rates
Fourth quarter 2019First quarter 2020Contributions to percent change in real gross domestic product – First quarter 2020Contributions to percent change in implicit price indexes – First quarter 2020Annualized contributions to percent change in real gross domestic product – First quarter 2020
  millions of chained (2012) dollarsmillions of chained (2012) dollars percentage pointspercentage pointspercentage points
Final consumption expenditure 1,646,529 1,614,736 -1.527 0.460 -5.914
Household final consumption expenditure 1,187,398 1,159,845 -1.303 0.132 -5.050
Goods 526,448 517,647 -0.405 -0.020 -1.570
Durable goods 155,418 145,452 -0.460 0.020 -1.783
Semi-durable goods 85,504 77,487 -0.355 0.026 -1.376
Non-durable goods 285,525 294,344 0.410 -0.066 1.589
Services 660,711 642,125 -0.898 0.153 -3.480
Non-profit institutions serving households' final consumption expenditure 30,560 30,224 -0.017 0.020 -0.066
General governments final consumption expenditure 428,867 424,726 -0.206 0.307 -0.798
Gross fixed capital formation 439,158 438,786 -0.019 0.186 -0.073
Business gross fixed capital formation 358,534 357,254 -0.065 0.161 -0.251
Residential structures 142,475 142,323 -0.008 0.082 -0.031
Non-residential structures, machinery and equipment 183,116 181,873 -0.061 0.067 -0.236
Non-residential structures 114,945 116,103 0.056 0.018 0.217
Machinery and equipment 67,851 65,509 -0.117 0.049 -0.453
Intellectual property products 33,071 33,156 0.004 0.012 0.016
Non-profit institutions serving households' gross fixed capital formation 2,009 2,037 0.001 0.000 0.004
General governments gross fixed capital formation 78,748 79,643 0.045 0.025 0.174
Investment in inventories 9,362 -1,994 -0.521 0.034 -2.019
Exports of goods and services 668,361 648,615 -0.911 -0.091 -3.531
Goods 546,084 532,903 -0.605 -0.127 -2.345
Services 121,497 115,042 -0.306 0.036 -1.186
Less: imports of goods and services 662,700 644,158 -0.907 0.131 -3.511
Goods 534,987 518,640 -0.787 0.231 -3.050
Services 127,699 125,402 -0.119 -0.100 -0.461
Statistical discrepancy 551 -258 -0.039 0.000 -0.151
Gross domestic product at market prices 2,101,480 2,057,160 -2.109 0.457 -8.177
Final domestic demand 2,083,767 2,051,942 -1.545 0.645 -5.987
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