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Canadian Community Health Survey: Household food insecurity in Canada, 2017/2018

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Released: 2020-02-18

Today, Statistics Canada is releasing an update to table 13-10-0385-01, Household food security by living arrangement. These results come from the 2017 and 2018 cycles of the Canadian Community Health Survey, which collects a wide range of self-reported information about the health status of Canadians and information on the factors impacting their health and their use of health care services.

  Note to readers

The 2017/2018 reference period for the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) represents the average population over these two years. Data were collected from approximately 110,000 respondents.

Table 13-10-0385-01 includes estimates of households in Canada, by the living arrangement in that household and by province or territory. The table presents estimates of households experiencing food insecurity, either moderate or severe, as well as a combined category and the rate of food secure households.

Today's update also introduces estimates of households experiencing marginal food insecurity, which were historically part of the food secure category. Users wishing to compare historical data on food secure households should combine the 'Marginally food insecure' and 'Food secure' categories.

Marginal food insecurity exists when there is a single indication of worry about running out of food and/or limited food selection due to a lack of money for food. Moderate food insecurity exists when there is a compromise in the quality or quantity of food consumed. Severe food insecurity exists when there is a reduced food intake or disrupted eating pattern.

More information is available from the Health Canada portal on household food security. The Household Food Security Survey Module in the CCHS is an 18–question, standardized and validated scale of food insecurity severity that measures inadequate or insecure access to food due to financial constraints. More information is available from the Health Canada website: Determining food security status.

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