Chart 4
Average monthly import value in 2017, before Canadian tariff implementation in June 2018, and during tariff period

bar clustered chart&8211;Chart4,
From the United States.
Data are seasonnally adjusted and on a customs basis.
Canadian International Merchandise Trade Program.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Average monthly import value in 2017, before Canadian tariff implementation in June 2018, and during tariff period, millions of dollars
  Imports of tariffed steel products¹ Imports of tariffed aluminum products¹ Imports of other tariffed products¹
Average 2017 466.1 221.4 692.9
June 2018 603.7 249.2 823.6
Average of July 2018 to May 2019 323.7 212.8 618.3
From the United States.
Data are seasonnally adjusted and on a customs basis.
Canadian International Merchandise Trade Program.
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