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2016 Census of Population advisory: Education, labour, journey to work, language of work, and mobility and migration

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Released: 2017-11-22

Next week, Statistics Canada's year-long census journey comes to its final chapter. As Canada winds down its 150th anniversary celebrations, Statistics Canada will release its final major instalment in the story of our country and its people with results from the 2016 Census. This release will focus on what Canadians learn, where they work, how they get there, and the language they use in the workplace, along with data on mobility and migration.

The data on education, labour, journey to work, language of work, mobility and migration will be published on Statistics Canada's website at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time on November 29, 2017.

The education section will provide a picture of the educational attainment and field of study of Canadians, with indicators for age groups, and by sex, Aboriginal identity and immigrant status. The Daily release will be supplemented by three Census in Brief articles. The first report will examine earnings of the working-age population by highest level of education for Canada and the provinces and territories. The second article will focus on the match between what young Canadians study and their occupation after graduation, and the third report will look at how young graduates fare in the labour market depending on their field of study.

The labour section of the release will focus on the employment rates and work activity of Canadians, broken down by age, sex, immigrant status, Aboriginal identity, occupation and geography. Historical data will show how the labour market numbers have evolved over time. The related Census in Brief article will focus on a growing demographic—people aged 65 and older, active in the workforce―and compare this group with workers of similar ages in 1995 and 2005.

Data will be released on how workers travel to their jobs in the journey to work component—their mode of commuting and their commuting duration, and how these have changed over time. A Census in Brief article will focus on people living in Canada's largest cities who commute using sustainable transportation such as public transit, carpooling and active transportation (walking and cycling).

The release will shed light on language of work. A Census in Brief article will describe how the use of English, French and other languages in the workplace has evolved from 2006 to 2016 in Canada, as well as in census metropolitan areas where many linguistic groups coexist.

The final component of the release includes data tables examining mobility and migration.

As with previous census releases, the story of Canada as seen through the 2016 Census will be supplemented with data visualization products, including a new web-based tool and infographics. An updated technical note, "Putting 2016 Census results in context," is also available.

For more information, refer to the Release and Concepts Overviews for education, labour, journey to work, language of work, and mobility and migration.

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