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Canadian Agriculture at a Glance, census year 2016

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Released: 2017-11-20

The article "Other livestock and poultry in Canada" is now available. This is the first article from Canadian Agriculture at a Glance, a compendium of analytical articles based on 2016 Census of Agriculture data.


The article "Other livestock and poultry in Canada," part of Canadian Agriculture at a Glance (Catalogue number96-325-X), is now available from the Browse by key resource module of our website under Publications.

The publication Farm and Farm Operator Data, 2016 Census of Agriculture (Catalogue number95-640-X), is also available. It contains all farm and farm operator variables for 2016. Users can search data both by geography and by variable at the national, provincial and sub-provincial levels.

For a complete list of our products, visit the 2016 Census of Agriculture. You can also consult the CANSIM tables 004-0200 to 004-0246.

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