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Canada at a Glance, environment edition

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Released: 2017-07-26

This special edition of Canada at a Glance presents current statistics on the environment and its role in the economy, agriculture, businesses and the everyday lives of Canadians.

Here are some highlights that we can find in this publication.

In 2013, Canadians used an average of 223 litres of potable water per capita each day. This was down from an average of 251 litres in 2011.

Among households with a lawn or garden, 19% reported using chemical pesticides in 2015, a drop from 25% in 2007.

In 2015, 55% of households had heard of radon gas. Of that percentage, 76% knew that it is a health hazard.

As well as a range of Canadian data, this electronic publication includes international comparisons, so that readers can see how Canada stacks up against its neighbours.


The environment special edition of Canada at a Glance, 2017 (Catalogue number12-581-X), is now available.

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