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Income of immigrants: Quebec, 2013

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Released: 2016-01-18

Data from the Longitudinal Immigration Database for Quebec are now available for 1980 to 2013. Tables at the national level were released in The Daily on December 7, 2015. See the note to readers for the provincial data release schedule.

  Note to readers

The Longitudinal Immigration Database provides information on immigrant economic outcomes. It was created to respond to the need for detailed and reliable data on the outcome and impact of immigration policy levers. It allows the analysis of different categories of immigrants over a period long enough to assess the impact of immigrant characteristics upon landing, such as education and knowledge of French or English, on their settlement outcome.

The database combines an administrative Landing File with the T1 Family File through exact matching record linkage techniques. The overall linkage rate is approximately 87%. The population includes immigrants who landed between 1980 and 2013 and who filed taxes at least once between 1982 and 2013.

Release schedule

The series of provincial data will be released according to the following schedule, by descending order of population size:

  • January 15, 2016: Ontario
  • January 18, 2016: Quebec
  • January 19, 2016: British Columbia
  • January 20, 2016: Alberta
  • January 21, 2016: Atlantic provinces
  • January 22, 2016: Manitoba
  • January 25, 2016: Saskatchewan.

Contact information

For more information, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300;

To enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Athanase Barayandema (613-404-9212;, Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division.

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