Canadian Income Survey (CIS), market income, government transfers, total income, income tax and after-tax income, by economic family type, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas (CMAs) (Annual)(206-0011) |
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), income statistics by economic family type and income source, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas (CMAs) (Annual)(206-0021) |
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), upper income limit, income share and average of market, total and after-tax income by economic family type and income decile, Canada and provinces (Annual)(206-0031) |
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), upper income limit, income share and average of adjusted market, total and after-tax income by income decile, Canada and provinces (Annual)(206-0032) |
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), Gini coefficients of adjusted market, total and after-tax income, Canada and provinces (Annual)(206-0033) |
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), low income statistics by age, sex and economic family type, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas (CMAs) (Annual)(206-0041) |
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), low income statistics by economic family type, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas (CMAs) (Annual)(206-0042) |
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), low income measures (LIMs) by income source and household size (Annual)(206-0091) |
Low income cut-offs (LICOs) before and after tax by community and family size (Annual)(206-0092) |
Market Basket Measure (MBM) thresholds (2011 base) for reference family, by Market Basket Measure region and component (Annual)(206-0093) |