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Table 1 Employment Insurance: Statistics by province and territory

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Employment Insurance: Statistics by province and territory
  January 2009p February 2009p January to February 2009 February 2008 to February 2009 January to February 2009 February 2008 to February 2009
  Seasonally adjusted
  number change in number % change
Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits            
Canada 565,810 610,150 44,340 153,730 7.8 33.7
Newfoundland and Labrador 37,130 38,100 970 3,620 2.6 10.5
Prince Edward Island 7,790 7,910 120 310 1.5 4.1
Nova Scotia 29,290 29,950 660 3,130 2.3 11.7
New Brunswick 30,920 32,000 1,080 2,100 3.5 7.0
Quebec 175,920 183,580 7,660 24,780 4.4 15.6
Ontario 184,520 198,880 14,360 74,420 7.8 59.8
Manitoba 11,840 12,180 340 2,420 2.9 24.8
Saskatchewan 9,320 10,000 680 2,200 7.3 28.2
Alberta 24,060 30,630 6,570 14,810 27.3 93.6
British Columbia 57,010 63,650 6,640 25,480 11.6 66.8
Yukon 880 890 10 110 1.1 14.1
Northwest Territories 810 850 40 180 4.9 26.9
Nunavut 430 450 20 140 4.7 45.2
Initial and renewal claims received            
Canada 274,680 325,650 50,970 113,090 18.6 53.2
Newfoundland and Labrador 9,590 10,030 440 1,120 4.6 12.6
Prince Edward Island 2,540 2,550 10 80 0.4 3.2
Nova Scotia 9,740 10,530 790 1,530 8.1 17.0
New Brunswick 9,900 10,650 750 1,210 7.6 12.8
Quebec 73,980 84,110 10,130 17,240 13.7 25.8
Ontario 97,470 109,870 12,400 44,320 12.7 67.6
Manitoba 7,030 8,600 1,570 2,100 22.3 32.3
Saskatchewan 5,840 6,080 240 1,710 4.1 39.1
Alberta 22,240 28,410 6,170 15,860 27.7 126.4
British Columbia 35,780 41,710 5,930 16,900 16.6 68.1
Yukon 310 310 0 10 0.0 3.3
Northwest Territories 330 320 -10 50 -3.0 18.5
Nunavut 220 200 -20 70 -9.1 53.8
Number of beneficiaries receiving regular benefits exclude claimants receiving training, job creation and self-employment benefits as well as other employment and support measures benefits.