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Wholesale Services Price Index, second quarter 2023

Released: 2023-09-22

The Wholesale Services Price Index (2020=100) is now available for the second quarter.

Important notice: basket update

With the release of the third quarter of 2022, a new basket was introduced going back to the start of the second quarter of 2022. In addition, the historical series prior to the second quarter of 2022 was re-aggregated above the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) five-digit level by incorporating the new NAICS category: Cannabis merchant wholesalers [41341].

The Wholesale Services Price Index's basket and updated basket weights, based on the year 2020 (see table 18-10-0179-01), are now available. This basket includes data from the newly collected NAICS category: Cannabis merchant wholesalers [41341]. The index's reference period is now 2020=100.

  Note to readers

The Wholesale Services Price Index (WSPI) represents the change in the price of wholesale services. The price of a wholesale service is defined as the margin price, which is the difference between the average purchase price and the average selling price of the wholesale product being priced. The WSPI is not a wholesale selling price index.

With each release, data for the previous quarter may have been revised. The indexes are not seasonally adjusted. Data are available at the Canada level only.


For a more detailed explanation of the methodology used, please consult the "Technical Guide for the Wholesale Services Price Index (WSPI)."

An overview of the impact of COVID-19 on the beef supply chain and a comparison of the WSPI's first- and second-quarter results against previous forecasts were presented in the Statistics Canada webinar "COVID-19's Impacts on the Wholesale Trade Sector: What does the survey data tell us about sales, prices and the recovery so far?" held on December 17, 2020. Presentation material is available upon request.

The study "COVID-19 and the beef supply chain: An overview," part of the series StatCan COVID-19: Data to Insights for a Better Canada (Catalogue number45280001), is also available.

For more details on the impact of COVID-19 previously forecasted for the wholesale sector, please consult the publication "COVID-19 Impact Analysis and 2020 Outlook: Wholesale Services Price Index." This is part of a series of analyses on the impacts of COVID-19 on different sectors of the Canadian economy, which aims to provide data users with some insight regarding the price movements of selected industries.

Statistics Canada has released the dashboard "Wholesale and Retail Services Price Indexes: Interactive Tool." This web-based application provides access to wholesale and retail margin data by category.

Statistics Canada has also launched the Producer Price Indexes Portal as part of a suite of portals for prices and price indexes. This webpage provides Canadians with a single point of access to a wide variety of statistics and measures related to producer prices.

Contact information

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; or Media Relations (

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