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Income of families and individuals: Subprovincial data from the T1 Family File, 2020

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Released: 2022-08-09

Family and individual income data for 2020 are now available from the T1 Family File (T1FF) for Canada, provinces, territories, and various subprovincial and subterritorial geographic areas. Income data from this release include amounts associated with government income support programs and benefits for COVID-19.

  Note to readers

Data in these products are based on the census family concept for families. Data are derived from personal income tax returns filed in spring 2021 and are not adjusted on the basis of Statistics Canada's population estimates.

In this data, the term "families" refers to census families and persons not in a census family. A census family refers to a married or a common-law couple, with or without children at home, or a lone-parent family.

Data based on specific government income support programs and benefits for COVID-19 can be found in tables 11-10-0100-01 and 11-10-0101-01.

Data also include low-income statistics using the after-tax Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT). Individuals are deemed in low income if their adjusted after-tax family income falls below 50% of the national median adjusted after-tax family income. Data based on the CFLIM-AT methodology can be found in tables 11-10-0018-01 and 11-10-0020-01.

Income estimates reported in this release can differ from those reported in other sources, such as the Census of Population or the Canadian Income Survey (CIS). Reasons for this include differences in some of the main units of analysis and the data coverage. For example, the low-income measure and other types of income data presented in the census and CIS use the household as the unit of analysis, while in the T1 Family File (T1FF), income data are generally presented according to the census family. Population coverage associated with the income data also differs across these data sources. CIS estimates exclude individuals living in the territories, in collective dwellings and on reserves, while these individuals are included in the T1FF income data. The census income data include individuals living in the territories and on reserves, but in its standard products related to income, individuals in collective dwellings are excluded.

Data in this release have been tabulated according to the 2016 Standard Geographical Classification used for the 2016 Census.


The Technical Reference Guide for the Annual Income Estimates for Census Families, Individuals and Seniors, T1 Family File, Final Estimates (Catalogue number72-212-X), presents information about the methodology, concepts and data quality for the data available in this release.

The free tables linked to this release are available for Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, and census agglomerations. Versions of these tables and other tabulations are also available as a custom service, upon request, for other levels of geography, such as federal electoral districts, economic regions, census divisions, census subdivisions, census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, census tracts, and postal-based geographies.

The most recent sub-provincial income information for families and individuals for metropolitan areas can also be explored in an interactive format by visiting the "Income of men and women, sub-provincial regions, T1 Family File: Interactive tool" and the "Sources of family income by family type, sub-provincial regions, T1 Family File: Interactive tool."

The Income, pensions, spending and wealth portal, which is accessible from the Subjects module of the Statistics Canada website, provides users with a single point of access to a wide variety of information related to revenue, pensions, spending and wealth.

Contact information

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; or Media Relations (

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