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Persistence and graduation indicators of postsecondary students by parental income, 2012/2013 entry cohort

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Released: 2022-07-19

Today, Statistics Canada is releasing a fact sheet entitled "Persistence and graduation indicators of postsecondary students by parental income, 2012/2013 entry cohort." This fact sheet explores the association between parental income and the pathways of young adults in postsecondary education for students who began their studies in the 2012/2013 academic year.

The longitudinal data used in this release are derived from a dataset that integrates data from the Postsecondary Student Information System with tax data from the T1 Family File.


The fact sheet, "Persistence and graduation indicators of postsecondary students by parental income, 2012/2013 entry cohort," part of the Education, learning and training: Research paper series (Catalogue number81-595-M), is now available.

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