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Food services and drinking places, October 2019

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Released: 2019-12-18

Food services and drinking places sales — Canada

$6.2 billion

October 2019

0.0% increase

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — N.L.

$73.1 million

October 2019

-2.0% decrease

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — P.E.I.

$24.7 million

October 2019

1.2% increase

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — N.S.

$147.2 million

October 2019

-0.8% decrease

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — N.B.

$106.5 million

October 2019

0.3% increase

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — Que.

$1,209.9 million

October 2019

0.8% increase

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — Ont.

$2,473.1 million

October 2019

0.2% increase

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — Man.

$180.3 million

October 2019

-1.0% decrease

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — Sask.

$159.6 million

October 2019

0.9% increase

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — Alta.

$807.7 million

October 2019

-0.5% decrease

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — B.C.

$1,048.7 million

October 2019

-0.5% decrease

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — Y.T.

$6.6 million

October 2019

6.4% increase

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — N.W.T.

$6.3 million

October 2019

-4.2% decrease

(monthly change)

Food services and drinking places sales — Nvt.

$1.5 million

October 2019

2.5% increase

(monthly change)

On a seasonally adjusted basis, sales in the food services and drinking places subsector remained stable at $6.2 billion in October. Lower sales were reported in full-service restaurants (-0.3%) and drinking places (-0.1%), whereas sales in special food services increased 2.0%. Sales at limited-service restaurants remained unchanged.

Half of the provinces reported increased sales, with the greatest contributors to the increase being Quebec (+0.8%) and Ontario (+0.2%). The greatest contributors to the decline were British Columbia (-0.5%) and Alberta (-0.5%). Manitoba (-1.0%), Newfoundland and Labrador (-2.0%) and Nova Scotia (-0.8%) also posted sizeable decreases.

Chart 1  Chart 1: Sales at food services and drinking places
Sales at food services and drinking places

Further information can be found in the dashboard "Food Services and Drinking Places Sales." This web application provides access to data on sales in food services and drinking places for Canada and by province and territory. This dynamic application allows users to compare provincial and territorial data through interactive maps and charts.

Year-over-year sales in the food services and drinking places subsector increase

The figures in this section are based on unadjusted (that is, not seasonally adjusted) estimates.

Unadjusted sales for October 2019 were up 3.5% in the food services and drinking places subsector compared with the same month in 2018. Sales increased in each of the following industry groups: limited service restaurants (+3.6%), full-service restaurants (+3.8%) and special food services (+3.0%). Sales at drinking places declined 1.1%.

Year-over-year sales increased in nine provinces, with Ontario (+3.0%) and Quebec (+6.0%) contributing two-thirds of the total national increase. Alberta (+3.5%) and British Columbia (+2.0%) were the next-largest contributors to the national total. Saskatchewan (-0.4%) posted the only decline in October compared with the previous year.

Prices for food purchased from restaurants were up 2.7% in October 2019 compared with October 2018 and prices for alcoholic beverages served in licensed establishments increased 1.0% in the same period.

  Note to readers

All data in this release are seasonally adjusted and expressed in current dollars unless otherwise noted. For information on seasonal adjustment, see Seasonally adjusted data – Frequently asked questions.

For information on trend-cycle data, see the StatCan Blog and Trend-cycle estimates – Frequently asked questions.

Data for the current reference month are preliminary. Usually, unadjusted data are revised for the previous two months, and seasonally adjusted data are revised for the previous three months.

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