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Dimensions of Poverty Hub

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Released: 2019-07-18

Today, Statistics Canada is launching the new Dimensions of Poverty Hub. The Hub, sponsored by Employment and Social Development Canada, enables Canadians to track progress on poverty reduction.

In June 2019, the Government of Canada passed the Poverty Reduction Act, putting in place for the first time an Official Poverty Line for Canada, poverty reduction targets, and a National Advisory Council on Poverty.

The Dimensions of Poverty Hub features data, analysis, infographics and performance indicators, and will be updated regularly as new data becomes available. The information can be used to examine, for example, how many Canadians live below Canada's Official Poverty Line as measured by the Market Basket Measure, and how that number changes over time. The Hub also includes information on other aspects of poverty such as food insecurity, core housing need, and the share of youth not in employment, education or training.


The Dimensions of Poverty Hub is now available.

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