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Farm operating revenues and expenses, 2017

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Released: 2018-12-04

Preliminary farm operating revenue and expense data from the Agriculture Taxation Data Program (ATDP) for 2017 are now available. Data files are available upon request.

The ATDP uses taxation records to produce detailed data for Canada and the provinces on operating revenues and expenses for the agriculture sector. The target population consists of all unincorporated and incorporated farms and communal farming organizations in Canada. To allow for historical comparison, the estimates presented cover both unincorporated farms and communal farming organizations with total farm operating revenues equal to or greater than $10,000 as well as incorporated farms with total farm operating revenues of $25,000 and over.

  Note to readers

The Agriculture Taxation Data Program (ATDP) underwent a redesign for reference year 2015. Until reference year 2014, the ATDP employed a weighted sample design. Since reference year 2015, the ATDP is based on a census of tax-filers thus eliminating sampling and subsequent weighting. As well, the ATDP was completely redesigned to use Statistics Canada's corporate tools and processing systems.

As a result of these changes, data users are advised to use caution when comparing 2015, 2016 and 2017 data with previous years.

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For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; or Media Relations (613-951-4636;

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