Consulting Services Price Index, fourth quarter 2017
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Released: 2018-04-27
Fourth quarter 2017
(quarterly change)
The Consulting Services Price Index (COSPI) increased 2.6% in the fourth quarter of 2017, following a decrease of 3.6% in the third quarter.
Prices for management consulting services, the largest component of the COSPI, increased 2.9% in the fourth quarter, following a decrease of 3.9% in the third quarter. The price index for environmental, scientific and technical consulting services declined by 0.6%, following a decrease of 0.7% in the third quarter.
Year-over-year change
Year over year, the aggregate COSPI declined 1.2% as a result of lower prices for environmental, scientific and technical consulting services (-4.5%), which outpaced the more modest decline in prices for management consulting services (-0.5%).
Note to readers
The Consulting Services Price Index is a quarterly survey that collects information on the prices of various types of consulting services, such as management, environmental, scientific and technical consulting services.
With each release, data for the previous quarter may have been revised. Data are also subject to an annual revision with the release of second quarter data of the following reference year. The index is not seasonally adjusted. Data are available at the Canada level only.
A Historical Timeline of Canadian Producer Price Statistics
"A Historical Timeline of Canadian Producer Price Statistics," which is part of the Prices Analytical Series (), was created to showcase the key milestones in the history of Canadian producer price statistics. This historical timeline contains answers to questions such as: Who collected Canada's first statistics? What do Canadian producer price indexes measure? 62F0014M
Infographic: Producer Price Indexes at a Glance
The infographic "Producer Price Indexes at a Glance," which is part of Statistics Canada — Infographics (), demonstrates how producer price indexes for goods and services are calculated and why they are important for the Canadian economy. 11-627-M
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