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Study: Where did Vancouverites go to shop in 2016?: A snapshot of Vancouver retail store sales by shopping centre type

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Released: 2017-09-12

Retail stores located in the largest types of shopping centres in the Vancouver census metropolitan area (CMA) accounted for almost one-quarter (23.1%) of total retail sales in 2016. Excluding retail industries not typically located in shopping centres such as automobile and parts dealers and gasoline stations, the share of retail sales in shopping centres rises to one-third (33.3%).

This study examines the role that retailers in shopping centres played in the Vancouver CMA in 2016. The Canadian retail sector has undergone a major transformation in the past decade with the development of online shopping. Many store-based retailers have adopted an omni channel distribution strategy, creating their own e-commerce retail sites, while maintaining a physical store front presence.

As one part of this strategy, many store-based retailers are continuing to maintain their store fronts at shopping centres. In addition, shopping mall owners are trying to encourage more foot traffic at their malls by rebranding the shopping experience by offering entertainment services and additional food options.

  Note to readers

This release is partly based on data available in CANSIM table 080-0032.


The analytical paper "Where did Vancouverites Go to Shop in 2016?: A Snapshot of Vancouver Retail Store Sales by Shopping Centre Type", which is part of Analysis in Brief (Catalogue number11-621-M), is now available.

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