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Mental health and contact with police in Canada, 2012

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Released: 2015-06-02

The Juristat article "Mental health and contact with police in Canada, 2012" is now available. This article uses data from the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey—Mental Health (CCHSMH) to report on the prevalence of mental and/or substance use disorders in Canada, along with characteristics common among those with a mental or substance use disorder.

The report also examines the type and frequency of contact that those with a disorder have with police. According to the 2012 CCHSMH, about 950,000, or one in three Canadians with a mental or substance use disorder (34.4%) came into contact with police, which was double the proportion of those without a disorder (16.7%).

  Note to readers

The cross-sectional 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey—Mental Health provides national estimates of major mental and substance use disorders. The survey sample consisted of the household population aged 15 or older in the 10 provinces. Excluded from the sample were persons living on reserves and other Aboriginal settlements, full-time members of the Canadian Forces and the institutionalized population. The response rate was 68.9%, yielding a sample of 25,113 that represented 28.3 million Canadians.

The Juristat article "Mental health and contact with police in Canada, 2012" (Catalogue number85-002-X), is now available. From the Browse by key resource module of our website under Publications, choose All subjects, then Crime and justice and Juristat.

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