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Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination Survey, 2012

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Released: 2014-03-25

Trucking companies in Canada with annual revenues of $1.3 million or more hauled 651 million tonnes in 2012, up 8.3% from 2011. The increase was primarily a result of the growth of freight hauled domestically, which rose 7.9% to 562 million tonnes. Transborder shipments, hauled between Canada and the United States or Mexico, increased 10.6% from 2011 to 89 million tonnes in 2012.

Ontario remained the principal origin for freight shipped by truck within Canada. Shipments originating in Ontario represented 155 million tonnes of freight in 2012. Alberta accounted for 143 million tonnes and Quebec 99 million tonnes. Together, these three provinces accounted for 71% of the domestic shipments of goods by weight.

The top commodities transported were general freight, gravel and crushed stone, wood products as well as prepared foodstuffs. Combined, their tonnage represented 40% of the total weight transported.

  Note to readers

Data from the Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination Survey represent a subset of the Canadian trucking industry. The target population is for-hire trucking companies (North American Industrial Classification System 484) with at least one trucking establishment that has annual revenue of at least $1.3 million.

Data for the 2012 Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination Survey are now available.

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