Canadian Agriculture at a Glance
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This edition of Canadian Agriculture at a Glance aims to open the barn doors of Canadian agriculture to farming and non-farming Canadians by providing an informative and unbiased look at the state of agriculture in the country.
The 2016 Census of Agriculture—the basis for the articles—found fewer than 1% of Canadians are farm operators. Yet, all Canadians participate in the agri-food sector when they go grocery shopping and make food choices.
Statistics Canada’s mandate is to provide information to all Canadians so they can make sound, fact-based decisions—whether on the farm or in the grocery aisle. Its wealth of objective data on the agriculture sector can help you make your own choices.
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The changing face of the immigrant farm operator
by Stephanie Tam and Matthew Shumsky, Agriculture Division
This article focuses on the emergence of the United States and China as the top countries of birth for farm operators that immigrated to Canada between 2011 and 2016.
It compares immigrant farm operators born in the United States and China who came to Canada between 2011 and 2016 with non-immigrant and other immigrant farm operators. The article explores topics such as where they live and the type and size of the farms they are working on.
The educational advancement of Canadian farm operators
by Kevin Tran and Matthew Shumsky, Agriculture Division
As farms evolve into increasingly automated and technologically advanced operations, Canadian farm operators are placing a greater emphasis on educational attainment.
This article examines the past 20 years of farm operators’ educational attainment, as well as the relationship between educational attainment and the characteristics of farm operators and their agricultural operations.
This article examines the major field of study reported by farm operators, including the top major field of study reported for each province. This article also discusses how educational attainment influences opportunities for off-farm work and the gross farm receipts of farm operators. In addition, it takes a look at how farm operators are leveraging technology for their farms, as well as the breakdown of farm types, in relation to farm operators’ highest level of educational attainment.
Aboriginal peoples and agriculture in 2016: A portrait
by Nicolas Gauthier and Julia White, Agriculture Division
This article is Statistics Canada’s first-ever publication on Aboriginal peoples and agriculture. It explores the part that Aboriginal persons play in the agricultural population in 2016. It examines how Aboriginal farm operators resemble or differ from their non-Aboriginal farm operator counterparts, and how likely they are to be engaged in off-farm paid employment. It also discusses the most common farm types for Aboriginal farm operators.
Female and young farm operators represent a new era of Canadian farmers
by Matthew Shumsky and Allison Nelson, Agriculture Division
This article focuses on the emergence of the next generation of Canadian farm operators. The rise of adaptive and educated female farm operators in synergy with progressive and resourceful young farm operators is changing the perception of the typical farmer.
Faced with modernizing farming practises, female and young farm operators are placing greater emphasis on educational attainment. While agricultural operations evolve into large-scale, capital-intensive entities, female and young farm operators are adapting by diversifying revenue streams and acquiring farm land through innovative methods.
Innovation and healthy living propel growth in certain other crops
by Matthew Shumsky, Agriculture Division
With increasing attention on health-conscious agricultural products, farm operations are focusing on particular varieties of “other crops” to try and meet consumer needs. “Other crops” encompass both fruits and vegetables, as well as field crops. These “other” commodities are collected by the Census of Agriculture program using write-in fields which are then coded and grouped into similar product classes. This article serves to highlight some of the emerging trends on select “other crops”.
Dairy goats in Ontario: a growing industry
by Mallory McGonegal, Agriculture Division
The number of goats for dairy on agricultural operations in Ontario is increasing as farmers expand and optimize production. When compared to other agricultural operations in the province, dairy goat operations can differ in terms of demographic, geographic, financial and organizational characteristics.
Other livestock and poultry in Canada
by Mitra Rostami, Agriculture Division
While Canadian livestock is often associated with more traditional sectors such as cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry, Canadian farms raise a host of other livestock and poultry. Other livestock in Canada include, for example, horses, donkeys, rabbits and deer. Other poultry in Canada include, for example, ducks, geese, ostriches and pheasants. Other livestock and poultry can be found on a variety of operations, with varying demographic and financial characteristics.
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