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AMOREVIETA-GENTIL, Marilyn, David DAIGNAULT, Norbert ROBITAILLE and Robert BOURBEAU. 2014. La mortalité des Indiens inscrits (1989-2008), report from the Groupe d'études sur la dynamique démographique des Indiens inscrits (GEDDII), University of Montréal, Demography Department.

AMOREVIETA-GENTIL, Marilyn, David DAIGNAULT, Norbert ROBITAILLE, Eric GUIMOND and Sacha SENÉCAL. 2013. La fécondité des Indiennes inscrites du Canada entre 1986 et 2008, report from the Groupe d'études sur la dynamique démographique des Indiens inscrits (GEDDII), University of Montréal, Demography Department.

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AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS. 2013. Census of Population and Housing: Understanding the Increase in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Counts, 2006-2011, Catalogue no. 2077.0.

BOHNERT, Nora. 2014. Chapter 2 "Opinion Survey on Future Demographic Trends," in BOHNERT, Nora, Jonathan CHAGNON, Simon COULOMBE, Patrice DION and Laurent MARTEL (editors), Population Projections for Canada (2013 to 2063), Provinces and Territories (2013 to 2038): Technical Report on Methodology and Assumptions, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-620.

BOHNERT, Nora and Patrice DION. 2014. Chapter 5 " Projection of International Immigration," in BOHNERT, Nora, Jonathan CHAGNON, Simon COULOMBE, Patrice DION and Laurent MARTEL (editors), Population Projections for Canada (2013 to 2063), Provinces and Territories (2013 to 2038): Technical Report on Methodology and Assumptions, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-620.

BOUCHER, Alexandre, Norbert ROBITAILLE and Eric GUIMOND. 2009. "La mobilité ethnique intergénérationnelle des enfants de moins de 5 ans chez les populations autochtones, Canada, 1996 et 2001," Cahiers québécois de démographie, volume 38, no. 2.

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CARON-MALENFANT, Éric, Simon COULOMBE, Eric GUIMOND, Chantal GRONDIN and André LEBEL. 2014. "La mobilité ethnique des Autochtones du Canada entre les recensements de 2001 et 2006," Population, volume 69, no. 1.

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CLATWORTHY, Stewart and Mary Jane NORRIS. 2014. "Aboriginal Mobility and Migration in Canada: Trends, Patterns and Implications, 1971 to 2006," in TROVATO, Frank and Anatole ROMANIUC (editors), Aboriginal Populations: Social, Demographic and Epidemiological Perspectives, The University of Alberta Press.

CLATWORTHY, Stewart. 2001. "Re-assessing the Population Impacts of Bill C-31," Ottawa, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Research and Analysis Directorate.

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CLATWORTHY, Stewart. 2012. "Projections of Aboriginal Households and Families for Canada, Provinces and Regions, 2006-2031," Ottawa, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Directorate of Strategic Analysis.

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DION, Patrice and Nora BOHNERT. 2014. Chapter 3 "Projection of Fertility," in BOHNERT, Nora, Jonathan CHAGNON, Simon COULOMBE, Patrice DION and Laurent MARTEL (editors), Population Projections for Canada (2013 to 2063), Provinces and Territories (2013 to 2038): Technical Report on Methodology and Assumptions, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-620.

DION, Patrice, Nora BOHNERT, Simon COULOMBE and Laurent MARTEL. 2014. Chapter 4 "Projection of Mortality," in BOHNERT, Nora, Jonathan CHAGNON, Simon COULOMBE, Patrice DION and Laurent MARTEL (editors), Population Projections for Canada (2013 to 2063), Provinces and Territories (2013 to 2038): Technical Report on Methodology and Assumptions, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-620.

DION, Patrice and Simon COULOMBE. 2008. "Portrait of the Mobility of Canadians in 2006: Trajectories and Characteristics of Migrants," Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada, 2005 and 2006, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-209.

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GUIMOND, Eric. 1999. "Ethnic Mobility and the Demographic Growth of Canada's Aboriginal Populations from 1986 to 1996," Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada, 1998 and 1999, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-209.

GUIMOND, Eric and Norbert ROBITAILLE. 2009. "Mère à l'adolescence: analyse de la fécondité des indiennes inscrites âgées de 15 à 19 ans, 1986 à 2004," Cahiers québécois de démographie, volume 38, no. 2.

GUIMOND, Eric, Norbert ROBITAILLE and Sacha SENÉCAL. 2007. "Définitions floues et explosion démographique chez les populations autochtones du Canada de 1986 à 2001," article presented at the Statistiques sociales et diversité ethnique conference, co-organized by the Centre interuniversitaire québécois de statistiques sociales and the Institut national d'études démographiques (Ined).

GUIMOND, Eric, Norbert ROBITAILLE and Sacha SENÉCAL. 2009. "Les Autochtones du Canada: une population aux multiples définitions," Cahiers québécois de démographie, volume 38, no. 2.

KERR, Don and Nelson KOPUSTAS. 1995. Projections of Households and Families for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1994-2016, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-522.

LEBEL, André, Éric CARON-MALENFANT and Eric GUIMOND. 2011. "Mobilité ethnique des Autochtones dans le modèle de projections Demosim," presented at the seminar of the Association des démographes du Québec, Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) 2011 (Sherbrooke).

LOH, Shirley and M.V. GEORGE. 2003. "Estimating Fertility Level of Registered Indians in Canada: A Challenging Endeavour," Canadian Studies in Population, volume 30, no. 1.

MAYNARD, Donna and Don KERR. 2007. "From Pre-Contact to the Present: The Demography of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada," in BEAUJOT, Roderic and Don KERR (editors), The Changing Face of Canada: Essential Readings in Population, Canadian Scholar's Press Inc.

MORENCY, Jean-Dominique and Éric CARON-MALENFANT. 2014. "Variations de la fécondité selon diverses caractéristiques au recensement," presented at the seminar of the Association des démographes du Québec, Congrès de l'ACFAS 2014 (Montréal).

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ROBITAILLE, Norbert and Eric GUIMOND. 2003. "La reproduction des populations autochtones du Canada: exogamie, fécondité et mobilité ethnique," Cahiers québécois de démographie, volume 32, no. 2.

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STATISTICS CANADA. 2011. Population Projections by Aboriginal Identity in Canada, 2006 to 2031, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-552.

STATISTICS CANADA. 2013. Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: First Nations People, Métis and Inuit, National Household Survey, 2011, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 99-011-X2011001.

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VERMA, Ravi, Margareth MICHALOWSKI and Pierre GAUVIN. 2004. "Abridged Life Tables for Registered Indians in Canada, 1976-1980 to 1996-2000," Canadian Studies in Population, volume 31, no. 2.

WILKINS, Russell, Sharanjit UPPAL, Philippe FINÈS, Sacha SENÉCAL, Eric GUIMOND and René DION. 2008. "Life expectancy in the Inuit-inhabited areas of Canada, 1989 to 2003," Health Reports, volume 19, no. 1.

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