1. Census

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Every five years, Statistics Canada conducts a census of the population. The most recent took place on Tuesday, May 16, 2006.

In Canada, the census is a reliable source of data on geographic areas as small as neighbourhoods or on Canada as a whole. The census is also used to produce detailed data on small groups or sub-populations, including lone-parent families, ethnic groups, linguistic minorities and immigrants. Since the census takes place every five years, and since the questions remain similar from one census to another, it is possible to analyse the smallest changes occurring within the Canadian population over the years.

The census includes every man, woman and child living in Canada on Census Day as well as Canadian citizens temporarily abroad, whether on a military base, attached to a diplomatic mission, at sea or in port aboard a Canadian-registered merchant vessel. Persons in Canada who hold non-permanent resident status - those who have a work or study permit or who claim refugee status, along with their dependents - are also part of the census.

All households receive a census questionnaire. While most households receive a short version, a sample of one household in five will receive a longer questionnaire. The 2006 short questionnaire (2A) includes eight basic questions on age, sex, marital status and mother tongue. The long questionnaire (2B) contains 61 questions including the same questions as on the short questionnaire plus more detailed ones on languages, education, income and employment. The sample produces statistics that are accurate for the entire population, excluding institutional residents.

Available linguistic variables

Linguistic variables are drawn from the questions referred to in the "Concepts" section.

Website: Census of Population

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