A New Survey Measure of Disability: the Disability Screening Questions (DSQ)

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Appendix A

Census filter questions from 1986 until 2011


1986: Health and Activity Limitation questions on the long form Census

Question 20a. 

Are you limited in the kind or amount of activity that you can do because of a long-term physical condition, mental condition or health problem:  (See Guide)

At home?

  • No, I am not limited
  • Yes, I am limited

At school or at work? 

  • No, I am not limited
  • Yes, I am limited
  • Not applicable

In other activities, e.g., transportation to or from work, leisure time activities?

  • No, I am not limited
  • Yes, I am limited

Question 20b. 

Do you have any long-term disabilities or handicaps?

  • No
  • Yes


1991: Activity Limitations questions on the long form Census

Question 18.

Is this person limited in the kind or amount of activity that he/she can do because of a long-term physical condition, mental condition or health problem:  See Guide.

At home?

  • No, not limited
  • Yes, limited

At school or at work?

  • No, not limited
  • Yes, limited
  • Not applicable

In other activities, e.g., transportation to or from work, leisure time activities?

  • No, not limited
  • Yes, limited

Question 19.

Does this person have any long-term disabilities or handicaps? See Guide.

  • No
  • Yes


1996: Activity Limitations questions on the long form Census

Question 7.

Is this person limited in the kind or amount of activity that he/she can do because of a long-term physical condition, mental condition or health problem:

(a) at home?

  • No, not limited
  • Yes, limited

(b) at school or at work?

  • No, not limited
  • Yes, limited
  • Not applicable

(c) in other activities, e.g., transportation to or from work, leisure time activities?

  • No, not limited
  • Yes, limited

Question 8.

Does this person have any long-term disabilities or handicaps?

  • No
  • Yes


2001, 2006 and 2011: Activities of Daily Living questions on the long form Census (2001 and 2006) and on the National Household Survey (2011)

Question 7.

Does this person have any difficulty hearing, seeing, communicating, walking, climbing stairs, bending, learning or doing any similar activities?

  • Yes, sometimes
  • Yes, often
  • No

Question 8.

Does a physical condition or mental condition or health problem reduce the amount or the kind of activity this person can do:

(a) at home?

  • Yes, sometimes
  • Yes, often
  • No

(b) at work or at school?

  • Yes, sometimes
  • Yes, often
  • No
  • Not applicable

(c) in other activities, for example, transportation or leisure?

  • Yes, sometimes
  • Yes, often
  • No

Appendix B

Appendix B Flow chart of latest version of short Disability Screening Questions

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