
    Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Profile Series

    Criminal Victimization and Health: A Profile of Victimization Among Persons with Activity Limitations or Other Health Problems, 2004


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    • In 2004, rate of violent victimization, including sexual assault, robbery and physical assault, was 2 times higher for persons with activity limitations than for persons without limitations.

    • The personal victimization rate, which is violent victimization or theft of personal property, for persons with mental or behavioural disorder, was 4 times higher than the rate for persons with no mental disorder.

    • Almost two thirds (65%) of violent crimes against persons with activity limitations were committed by someone who was known to the victim.

    • Persons with activity limitations were 2 to 3 times more likely to be victims of the most severe forms of spousal violence, such as being sexually assaulted, beaten, struck or threatened with a weapon.

    • Self-rated poor or fair health status, as well as sleep disorders and use of antidepressants or sedatives, were associated with rates of violent victimization 50% to 90% higher than the average.

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