Data quality, concepts and methodology

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Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)

The central objective of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) is to gather health–related data at the sub–provincial levels of geography (health region or combined health regions).
Canadian Community Health Survey – 3226

Census of Population

The census is designed to provide information about people and housing units in Canada by their demographic, social and economic characteristics.
Census of Population – 3901

Vital Statistics – Birth Database

This is an administrative survey that collects demographic information annually from all provincial and territorial vital statistics registries on all live births in Canada.
Vital Statistics – Birth Database – 3231

Vital Statistics – Death Database

This is an administrative survey that collects demographic and medical (cause of death) information annually from all provincial and territorial vital statistics registries on all deaths in Canada.
Vital Statistics – Death Database – 3233

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