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Bérard-Chagnon, Julien (2012). "Estimations des ménages: comparaison de la nouvelle méthode avec la méthode précédente". Statistics Canada, internal document produced by Demography Division, March 2012.

LaRoche, Sylvie (2007). "Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Weighting of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, 2003".  Statistics Canada, Income Research Paper Series. Catalogue no. 75F0002MIE— no. 007, October 2007.

Statistics Canada (2011a). Improvements to the Labour Force Survey, "The 2011 revisions of the Labour Force Survey (LFS)".Catalogue no. 71F0031X, no. 4. January 2011.

Statistics Canada (2011b). "Population and Family Estimation Methods at Statistics Canada".  Catalogue no. 91-528-XWE, December 2011.

Statistics Canada (2009). Income in Canada 2007. Catalogue no. 75-202-X, June 2009.

Statistics Canada (2010). Income in Canada 2008. Catalogue no. 75-202-X, June 2010.

Statistics Canada (2011c). Income in Canada 2009. Catalogue no. 75-202-X, June 2011.

Statistics Canada (2012). "Low Income Lines, 2010–2011". Income Research Paper Series. 75F0002MIE

Tremblay, J. (2005). "Aperçu de la stratégie de calage harmonisée des statistiques du revenu de Statistique Canada". Proceedings of the Survey Methods Section of the Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, June 2005.

Related products

Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) - A Survey Overview (75F0011X)

Data Quality for the 2009 Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) (75F0002M)

Income in Canada 2010 (75-202-X)

Income in Canada 2009 (75-202-X)

Income in Canada 2008 (75-202-X)

Income in Canada 2007 (75-202-X)

Income Research Paper Series (75F0002M)

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