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Browning, M., Bourguignon, F., Chiappori P., and V. Lechene (1994), 'Income and outcomes: A structural model of intrahousehold allocation', Journal of Political Economy 102, 1067–1096.

Fleurbaey M., G. Gaulier (2007), "International comparisons of living standards by equivalent incomes", CEPII 2007-03.

Foster, J., J. Greer, and E. Thorebecke (1984), "A Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures", Econometrica, Vol. 52, No. 3 (May, 1984), pp. 761-766.

Jäntti M., and S. Danziger (2008), "Income Poverty in Advanced Countries", in Atinkson et al.: Handbook on income distribution, Chapter 6.

Nelson J., "Household Equivalence Scales: Theory versus Policy?" Journal of Labor Economics, 1993, pp. 471-93.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2008), Growing unequal? Income Distribution and Poverty in OECD Countries. PARIS.

Phipps, S. and T. Garner. (1993). "Are Equivalence Scales the Same for the United States and Canada?" The Review of Income and Wealth, 40:1, 1-18.

Poulin, S (1988), "An Applications of Analysis Techniques to Canadian Income Statistics Data", Staff Report, Labour and Household Surveys Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Skuterud, M., M. Frenette and P. Poon (2004), "Describing the Distribution of Income: Guidelines for Effective Analysis", Income Research Paper Series, Statistics Canada.

The Canberra Group (2001). "Expert Group on Household Income Statistics: Final Report and Recommendations". Ottawa.

Veall, M (2008). "Canadian Seniors and the Low Income Measure", Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 34, Sup. 1, s47-s58.

Wolfson M. and J. Evans (1989). "Statistics Canada's Low Income Cut-Offs Methodological Concerns and Possibilities", Research Paper Series, Statistics Canada.

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